General API reference

Scheduler API reference

Scheduler{T, F} <: Optimiser.AbstractRule
Scheduler(constructor, schedules::AbstractSchedule...)
Scheduler(constructor; field_a = schedule_a, field_b = schedule_b, ...)

Wrap one or more schedules and optimizer together with a Scheduler. On each call to Optimisers.apply!, the schedules are iterated and constructor is used to invoke an optimization rule with updated parameters. The Scheduler can be used anywhere an Optimisers.jl optimizer is used.

If passed a single schedule and optimizer rule, the scheduler updates the learning, opt.eta. To adjust multiple hyperparameters, pass in multiple schedules as arguments or keywords. These will be iterated in order and passed onto to constructor (i.e. constructor should accept the appropriate number of arguments/keywords).


  • constructor: a constructor that creates an optimization rule given some parameters (e.g. Optimisers.AdamW; note the lack of ())
  • schedules: the list of optimization rule hyperparameters to schedule as multiple (named) arguments


# cosine annealing schedule for Descent
julia> opt = Scheduler(Descent, CosAnneal(l0 = 0.1, l1 = 0.8, period = 10));

# schedule learning rate and momentum of Momentum
julia> opt = Scheduler(Momentum, CosAnneal(l0 = 0.1, l1 = 0.8, period = 10), Exp(0.999, 0.8));

# schedule the weight decay term of AdamW with a custom fixed learning rate
julia> opt = Scheduler(AdamW, eta = 1e-4, decay = Exp(1e-3, 0.7));

State schedule API reference

Utility functions API reference

depkwargs(fn::Symbol, kwargs, remaps::Pair...)

Remap depracated kwargs when calling fn according to each pair in remaps. Such remaps parameter provides the mapping between old_param_name => new_param_name.

symmetric(f, period)

Return a symmetric function such that for t ∈ [1, period / 2), the symmetric function evaluates to f(t), and when t ∈ [period / 2, period), the symmetric functions evaluates to f(period - t).
