Basic schedules

While ParameterSchedulers.jl has some complex scheduling capability, its core is made of two kinds of basic schedules: decay schedules and cyclic schedules. Each kind of schedule conforms to a formula which is relevant for understanding the schedules behavior. Still, both types of schedules can be called and iterated like we saw in the getting started tutorial.

Decay schedules

A decay schedule is defined by the following formula:

\[s(t) = l \times g(t)\]

where $s(t)$ is the schedule output, $l$ is the base (initial) value, and $g(t)$ is the decay function. Typically, the decay function is expected to be bounded between $[0, 1]$, but this requirement is only suggested and not enforced.

For example, here is an exponential decay schedule:

expdecay(decay, t) = decay^(t - 1)
s = Exp(start = 0.1, decay = 0.8)
println("l g(1) == s(1): ", 0.1 * expdecay(0.8, 1) == s(1))
l g(1) == s(1): true

As you can see above, Exp is a type of decay schedule. Below is a list of all the decay schedules implemented, and the parameters and decay functions for each one.

ScheduleParametersDecay Function
Stepstart, decay, step_sizes$g(t) = \texttt{decay}^{i - 1}$ where $\sum_{j = 1}^{i - 1} \texttt{step\_sizes}_j < t \leq \sum_{j = 1}^i \texttt{step\_sizes}_j$
Expstart, decay$g(t) = \texttt{decay}^{t - 1}$
Polystart, degree, max_iter$g(t) = \dfrac{1}{\left(\dfrac{1 - (t - 1)}{\texttt{max\_iter}}\right)^\texttt{degree}}$
Invstart, decay, degree$g(t) = \dfrac{1}{\left(1 + \texttt{decay} \times (t - 1) \right)^\texttt{degree}}$

Cyclic schedules

A cyclic schedule exhibits periodic behavior, and it is described by the following formula:

\[s(t) = |l_0 - l_1| g(t) + \min (l_0, l_1)\]

where $s(t)$ is the schedule output, $l_0$ and $l_1$ are the range endpoints, and $g(t)$ is the cycle function. Similar to the decay function, the cycle function is expected to be bounded between $[0, 1]$, but this requirement is only suggested and not enforced.

For example, here is triangular wave schedule:

tricycle(period, t) = (2 / π) * abs(asin(sin(π * (t - 1) / period)))
s = Triangle(l0 = 0.1, l1 = 0.4, period = 2)
    "abs(l0 - l1) * g(1) + min(l0, l1) == s(1): ",
    abs(0.1 - 0.4) * tricycle(2, 1) + min(0.1, 0.4) == s(1)
abs(l0 - l1) * g(1) + min(l0, l1) == s(1): true

Triangle (used in the above example) is a type of cyclic schedule. Below is a list of all the cyclic schedules implemented, and the parameters and cycle functions for each one.

ScheduleParametersCycle Function
Trianglel0, l1, period$g(t) = \dfrac{2}{\pi} \left| \arcsin (\sin (\frac{\pi (t - 1)}{\text{period}})) \right|$
TriangleDecay2l0, l1, period$g(t) = \dfrac{1}{2^{\lfloor (t - 1) / \texttt{period} \rfloor}} g_{\texttt{Triangle}}(t)$
TriangleExpl0, l1, period, decay$g(t) = \texttt{decay}^{t - 1} g_{\texttt{Triangle}}(t)$
Sinl0, l1, period$g(t) = \left| \sin \left(\frac{\pi (t - 1)}{\texttt{period}} \right) \right|$
SinDecay2l0, l1, period$g(t) = \dfrac{1}{2^{\lfloor (t - 1) / \texttt{period} \rfloor}} g_{\texttt{Sin}}(t)$
SinExpl0, l1, period, decay$g(t) = \texttt{decay}^{t - 1} g_{\texttt{Sin}}(t)$
CosAnneall0, l1, period, with restart = true$g(t) = \dfrac{1}{2} \left(1 + \cos \left(\frac{\pi \: \mathrm{mod}(t - 1, \texttt{period})}{\texttt{period}}\right) \right)$
CosAnneall0, l1, period, with restart = false$g(t) = \dfrac{1}{2} \left(1 + \cos \left(\frac{\pi \: (t - 1)}{\texttt{period}}\right) \right)$