
Let's visualize what these projective transformations look like.

You can apply them to Images and the keypoint-based items Keypoints, Polygon, and BoundingBox.

Let's take this picture of a light house:

using DataAugmentation
using MosaicViews
using Images
using TestImages
using StaticArrays

imagedata = testimage("lighthouse")
imagedata = imresize(imagedata, ratio = 196 / size(imagedata, 1))
Example block output

To apply a transformation tfm to it, wrap it in Image, apply the transformation and unwrap it using itemdata:

tfm = CenterCrop((196, 196))
image = Image(imagedata)
apply(tfm, image) |> itemdata
Example block output

Customization of how pixel values are interpolated and extrapolated during transformations is done with the Item types (Image, MaskBinary, MaskMulti). For example, if we scale the image we can see how the interpolation affects how values of projected pixels are calculated.

using Interpolations: BSpline, Constant, Linear
tfm = ScaleFixed((2000, 2000)) |> CenterCrop((200, 200))
        # Default is linear interpolation for Image
        apply(tfm, Image(imagedata)),
        # Nearest neighbor interpolation
        apply(tfm, Image(imagedata; interpolate=BSpline(Constant()))),
        # Linear interpolation
        apply(tfm, Image(imagedata; interpolate=BSpline(Linear()))),
Example block output

Similarly, if we crop to a larger region than the image, we can see how extrapolation affects how pixel values are calculated in the regions outside the original image bounds.

import Interpolations
tfm = CenterCrop((400, 400))
        apply(tfm, Image(imagedata)),
        apply(tfm, Image(imagedata; extrapolate=1)),
        apply(tfm, Image(imagedata; extrapolate=Interpolations.Flat())),
        apply(tfm, Image(imagedata; extrapolate=Interpolations.Periodic())),
        apply(tfm, Image(imagedata; extrapolate=Interpolations.Reflect())),
Example block output

Now let's say we want to train a light house detector and have a bounding box for the light house. We can use the BoundingBox item to represent it. It takes the two corners of the bounding rectangle as the first argument. As the second argument we have to pass the size of the corresponding image.

points = SVector{2, Float32}[SVector(23., 120.), SVector(120., 150.)]
bbox = BoundingBox(points, size(imagedata))
BoundingBox{2, Float32}()

showitems visualizes the two items:

showitems((image, bbox))
Example block output

If we apply transformations like translation and cropping to the image, then the same transformations have to be applied to the bounding box. Otherwise, the bounding box will no longer match up with the light house.

Another problem can occur with stochastic transformations like RandomResizeCrop If we apply it separately to the image and the bounding box, they will be cropped from slightly different locations:

tfm = RandomResizeCrop((128, 128))
    apply(tfm, image),
    apply(tfm, bbox)
Example block output

Instead, pass a tuple of the items to a single apply call so the same random state will be used for both image and bounding box:

apply(tfm, (image, bbox)) |> showitems
Example block output
3D Projective dimensions

We'll use a 2-dimensional Image and BoundingBox here, but you can apply most projective transformations to any spatial item (including Keypoints, MaskBinary and MaskMulti) in 3 dimensions.

Of course, you have to create a 3-dimensional transformation, i.e. CenterCrop((128, 128, 128)) instead of CenterCrop((128, 128)).


Resizes the sides so that one of them is no longer than sz and crops a region of size sz from a random location.

tfm = RandomResizeCrop((128, 128))
showgrid([apply(tfm, (image, bbox)) for _ in 1:6]; ncol=6, npad=8)
Example block output


Resizes the sides so that one of them is no longer than sz and crops a region of size sz from the center.

tfm = CenterResizeCrop((128, 128))
showgrid([apply(tfm, (image, bbox))]; ncol=6, npad=8)
Example block output

Crop(sz[, from])

Crops a region of size sz from the image, without resizing the image first.

using DataAugmentation: FromOrigin, FromCenter, FromRandom
tfms = [
    Crop((128, 128), FromOrigin()),
    Crop((128, 128), FromCenter()),
    Crop((128, 128), FromRandom()),
    Crop((128, 128), FromRandom()),
    Crop((128, 128), FromRandom()),
    Crop((128, 128), FromRandom()),
showgrid([apply(tfm, (image, bbox)) for tfm in tfms]; ncol=6, npad=8)
Example block output

FlipX, FlipY, Reflect

Flip the data on the horizontally and vertically, respectively. More generally, reflect around an angle from the x-axis.

tfms = [
showgrid([apply(tfm, (image, bbox)) for tfm in tfms]; ncol=6, npad=8)
Example block output

Rotate, RotateX, RotateY, RotateZ

Rotate a 2D image counter-clockwise by an angle.

tfm = Rotate(20) |> CenterCrop((256, 256))
showgrid([apply(tfm, (image, bbox)) for _ in 1:6]; ncol=6, npad=8)
Example block output

Rotate also works with 3D images in addition to 3D specific transforms RotateX, RotateY, and RotateZ.

image3D = Image([RGB(i, j, k) for i=0:0.01:1, j=0:0.01:1, k=0:0.01:1])
tfms = [
    Rotate(20, 30, 40),
transformed = [apply(tfm, image3D) |> itemdata for tfm in tfms]
slices = [Image(parent(t[:, :, 50])) for t in transformed]
showgrid(slices; ncol=6, npad=8)
Example block output