
struct defined in module Flux

			Bilinear((in1, in2) => out, σ=identity; bias=true, init=glorot_uniform)
Bilinear(W::AbstractArray, [bias, σ])

Creates a layer which is fully connected between two inputs and the output, and otherwise similar to Dense. Its output, given vectors x & y, is another vector z with, for all i ∈ 1:out:

			z[i] = σ(x' * W[i,:,:] * y + bias[i])

If x and y are matrices, then each column of the output z = B(x, y) is of this form, with B the Bilinear layer.

If the second input y is not given, it is taken to be equal to x, i.e. B(x) == B(x, x)

The two inputs may also be provided as a tuple, B((x, y)) == B(x, y), which is accepted as the input to a Chain.

If the two input sizes are the same, in1 == in2, then you may write Bilinear(in => out, σ).

The initialisation works as for Dense layer, with W = init(out, in1, in2). By default the bias vector is zeros(Float32, out), option bias=false will switch off trainable bias. Either of these may be provided explicitly.


			julia> x, y = randn(Float32, 5, 32), randn(Float32, 5, 32);

julia> B = Flux.Bilinear((5, 5) => 7)
Bilinear(5 => 7)    # 182 parameters

julia> B(x) |> size  # interactions based on one input
(7, 32)

julia> B(x,y) == B((x,y))  # two inputs, may be given as a tuple

julia> sc = SkipConnection(
                Chain(Dense(5 => 20, tanh), Dense(20 => 9, tanh)),
                Flux.Bilinear((9, 5) => 3, bias=false),
            );  # used as the recombinator, with skip as the second input

julia> sc(x) |> size
(3, 32)

julia> Flux.Bilinear(rand(4,8,16), false, tanh)  # first dim of weight is the output
Bilinear((8, 16) => 4, tanh; bias=false)  # 512 parameters