
struct defined in module Flux

			LayerNorm(size..., λ=identity; affine=true, eps=1f-5)

A normalisation layer designed to be used with recurrent hidden states. The argument size should be an integer or a tuple of integers.

In the forward pass, the layer normalises the mean and standard deviation of the input, then applies the elementwise activation λ. The input is normalised along the first length(size) dimensions for tuple size, and along the first dimension for integer size. The input is expected to have first dimensions' size equal to size.

If affine=true, it also applies a learnable shift and rescaling using the Scale layer.

See also BatchNorm, InstanceNorm, GroupNorm, and normalise.


			julia> using Statistics

julia> xs = rand(3, 3, 3, 2);  # a batch of 2 images, each having 3 channels

julia> m = LayerNorm(3);

julia> y = m(xs);

julia> isapprox(std(y, dims=1:3), ones(1, 1, 1, 2), atol=0.1) && std(y, dims=1:3) != std(xs, dims=1:3)