
function defined in module Flux.Losses

			siamese_contrastive_loss(ŷ, y; margin = 1, agg = mean)

Return the contrastive loss which can be useful for training Siamese Networks. It is given by

			agg(@. (1 - y) * ŷ^2 + y * max(0, margin - ŷ)^2)                           

Specify margin to set the baseline for distance at which pairs are dissimilar.


			julia> ŷ = [0.5, 1.5, 2.5];

julia> Flux.siamese_contrastive_loss(ŷ, 1:3)

julia> Flux.siamese_contrastive_loss(ŷ, 1:3, margin = 2)

There is 1 method for Flux.Losses.siamese_contrastive_loss: