
struct defined in module Flux

Maxout(f, n_alts)

This contains a number of internal layers, each of which receives the same input. Its output is the elementwise maximum of the the internal layers' outputs.

Instead of defining layers individually, you can provide a zero-argument function which constructs them, and the number to construct.

Maxout over linear dense layers satisfies the univeral approximation theorem. See Goodfellow, Warde-Farley, Mirza, Courville & Bengio "Maxout Networks" .

See also Parallel to reduce with other operators.


			julia> m = Maxout(x -> abs2.(x), x -> x .* 3);

julia> m([-2 -1 0 1 2])
1×5 Matrix{Int64}:
 4  1  0  3  6

julia> m3 = Maxout(() -> Dense(5 => 7, tanh), 3)
  Dense(5 => 7, tanh),                  # 42 parameters
  Dense(5 => 7, tanh),                  # 42 parameters
  Dense(5 => 7, tanh),                  # 42 parameters
)                   # Total: 6 arrays, 126 parameters, 888 bytes.

julia> Flux.outputsize(m3, (5, 11))
(7, 11)