
struct defined in module Flux


Passed as an option to convolutional layers (and friends), this causes the padding to be chosen such that the input and output sizes agree (on the first N dimensions, the kernel or window) when stride==1. When stride≠1, the output size equals ceil(input_size/stride).

See also Conv, MaxPool.


			julia> xs = rand32(100, 100, 3, 50);  # a batch of images

julia> layer = Conv((2,2), 3 => 7, pad=SamePad())
Conv((2, 2), 3 => 7, pad=(1, 0, 1, 0))  # 91 parameters

julia> layer(xs) |> size  # notice how the dimensions stay the same with this padding
(100, 100, 7, 50)

julia> layer2 = Conv((2,2), 3 => 7)
Conv((2, 2), 3 => 7)  # 91 parameters

julia> layer2(xs) |> size  # the output dimension changes as the padding was not "same"
(99, 99, 7, 50)

julia> layer3 = Conv((5, 5), 3 => 7, stride=2, pad=SamePad())
Conv((5, 5), 3 => 7, pad=2, stride=2)  # 532 parameters

julia> layer3(xs) |> size  # output size = `ceil(input_size/stride)` = 50
(50, 50, 7, 50)

There is 1 method for Flux.SamePad: