
function defined in module Flux

			plateau(f, width; distance = -, init_score = 0, min_dist = 1f-6)

Return a function that internally counts by one when abs(distance(last_score, f(...))) <= min_dist, where last_score holds the last value of f(...). If the count is greater than or equal to width, the function returns true, otherwise it returns false. The count is reset when abs(distance(last_score, f(...))) > min_dist.


			julia> f = let v = 10
         () -> v = v / abs(v) - v
       end; # -9, 8, -7, 6, ...

julia> trigger = Flux.plateau(f, 3; init_score=10, min_dist=18);

julia> for i in 1:10
         @info "Epoch $i"
         trigger() && break
[ Info: Epoch 1
[ Info: Epoch 2
[ Info: Epoch 3
[ Info: Epoch 4

There is 1 method for Flux.plateau: