Recurrent Models

Recurrent cells

To introduce Flux's recurrence functionalities, we will consider the following vanilla recurrent neural network structure:

In the above, we have a sequence of length 3, where x1 to x3 represent the input at each step. It could be a timestamp or a word in a sentence encoded as vectors. y1 to y3 are their respective outputs.

An aspect to recognise is that in such a model, the recurrent cells A all refer to the same structure. What distinguishes it from a simple dense layer is that the cell A is fed, in addition to an input x, with information from the previous state of the model (hidden state denoted as h1 & h2 in the diagram).

In the most basic RNN case, cell A could be defined by the following:

output_size = 5
input_size = 2
Wxh = randn(Float32, output_size, input_size)
Whh = randn(Float32, output_size, output_size)
b = zeros(Float32, output_size)

function rnn_cell(x, h)
    h = tanh.(Wxh * x .+ Whh * h .+ b)
    return h, h

seq_len = 3
# dummy input data
x = [rand(Float32, input_size) for i = 1:seq_len] 
# random initial hidden state
h0 = zeros(Float32, output_size) 

y = []
ht = h0
for xt in x
    yt, ht = rnn_cell(xt, ht)
    y = [y; [yt]]  # concatenate in non-mutating (AD friendly) way

Notice how the above is essentially a Dense layer that acts on two inputs, xt and ht. The result of the forward pass at each time step, is a tuple contening the output yt and the updated state ht. The updated state is used as an input in next iteration. In the simple case of a vanilla RNN, the output and the state are the same. In more complex cells, such as LSTMCell, the state can contain multiple arrays.

There are various recurrent cells available in Flux, notably RNNCell, LSTMCell and GRUCell, which are documented in the layer reference. The hand-written example above can be replaced with:

using Flux

output_size = 5
input_size = 2
seq_len = 3
x = [rand(Float32, input_size) for i = 1:seq_len] 
h0 = zeros(Float32, output_size) 

rnn_cell = Flux.RNNCell(input_size => output_size)

y = []
ht = h0
for xt in x
    yt, ht = rnn_cell(xt, ht)
    y = [y; [yt]]

The entire output y or just the last output y[end] can be used for further processing, such as classification or regression.

Using a cell as part of a model

Let's consider a simple model that is trained to predict a scalar quantity for each time step in a sequence. The model will have a single RNN cell, followed by a dense layer to produce the output. Since the RNNCell can deal with batches of data, we can define the model to accept an input where at each time step, the input is a matrix of size (input_size, batch_size).

struct RecurrentCellModel{H,C,D}

# we choose to not train the initial hidden state
Flux.@layer RecurrentCellModel trainable=(cell, dense) 

function RecurrentCellModel(input_size::Int, hidden_size::Int)
    return RecurrentCellModel(
                 zeros(Float32, hidden_size), 
                 RNNCell(input_size => hidden_size),
                 Dense(hidden_size => 1))

function (m::RecurrentCellModel)(x)
    z = []
    ht = m.h0
    for xt in x
        yt, ht = m.cell(xt, ht)
        z = [z; [yt]]
    z = stack(z, dims=2) # [hidden_size, seq_len, batch_size] or [hidden_size, seq_len]
    ŷ = m.dense(z)       # [1, seq_len, batch_size] or [1, seq_len]
    return ŷ

Notice that we stack the hidden states z to form a tensor of size (hidden_size, seq_len, batch_size). This can speedup the final classification, since we then process all the outputs at once with a single forward pass of the dense layer.

Let's now define the training loop for this model:

using Optimisers: AdamW

function loss(model, x, y)
    ŷ = model(x)
    y = stack(y, dims=2)
    return Flux.mse(ŷ, y)

# create dummy data
seq_len, batch_size, input_size = 3, 4, 2
x = [rand(Float32, input_size, batch_size) for _ = 1:seq_len]
y = [rand(Float32, 1, batch_size) for _ = 1:seq_len]

# initialize the model and optimizer
model = RecurrentCellModel(input_size, 5)
opt_state = Flux.setup(AdamW(1e-3), model)

# compute the gradient and update the model
g = gradient(m -> loss(m, x, y), model)[1]
Flux.update!(opt_state, model, g)

Handling the whole sequence at once

In the above example, we processed the sequence one time step at a time using a recurrent cell. However, it is possible to process the entire sequence at once. This can be done by stacking the input data x to form a tensor of size (input_size, seq_len) or (input_size, seq_len, batch_size). One can then use the RNN, LSTM or GRU layers to process the entire input tensor.

Let's consider the same example as above, but this time we use an RNN layer instead of an RNNCell:

struct RecurrentModel{H,C,D}

Flux.@layer RecurrentModel trainable=(rnn, dense)

function RecurrentModel(input_size::Int, hidden_size::Int)
    return RecurrentModel(
                 zeros(Float32, hidden_size), 
                 RNN(input_size => hidden_size),
                 Dense(hidden_size => 1))

function (m::RecurrentModel)(x)
    z = m.rnn(x, m.h0)  # [hidden_size, seq_len, batch_size] or [hidden_size, seq_len]
    ŷ = m.dense(z)      # [1, seq_len, batch_size] or [1, seq_len]
    return ŷ

seq_len, batch_size, input_size = 3, 4, 2
x = rand(Float32, input_size, seq_len, batch_size)
y = rand(Float32, 1, seq_len, batch_size)

model = RecurrentModel(input_size, 5)
opt_state = Flux.setup(AdamW(1e-3), model)

g = gradient(m -> Flux.mse(m(x), y), model)[1]
Flux.update!(opt_state, model, g)

Finally, the Recurrence layer can be used wrap any recurrent cell to process the entire sequence at once. For instance, a type behaving the same as the LSTM layer can be defined as follows:

rnn = Recurrence(LSTMCell(2 => 3))   # similar to LSTM(2 => 3)
x = rand(Float32, 2, 4, 3)
y = rnn(x)

Stacking recurrent layers

Recurrent layers can be stacked to form a deeper model by simply chaining them together using the Chain layer. The output of a layer is fed as input to the next layer in the chain. For instance, a model with two LSTM layers can be defined as follows:

stacked_rnn = Chain(LSTM(3 => 5), Dropout(0.5), LSTM(5 => 5))
x = rand(Float32, 3, 4)
y = stacked_rnn(x)

If more fine grained control is needed, for instance to have a trainable initial hidden state, one can define a custom model as follows:

struct StackedRNN{L,S}

Flux.@layer StackedRNN

function StackedRNN(d::Int; num_layers::Int)
    layers = [LSTM(d => d) for _ in 1:num_layers]
    states0 = [Flux.initialstates(l) for l in layers]
    return StackedRNN(layers, states0)

function (rnn::StackedRNN)(x)
   for (layer, state0) in zip(rnn.layers, rnn.states0)
       x = layer(x, state0) 
   return x

rnn = StackedRNN(3; num_layers=2)
x = rand(Float32, 3, 10)
y = rnn(x)