Loss Functions

Flux provides a large number of common loss functions used for training machine learning models. They are grouped together in the Flux.Losses module.

Loss functions for supervised learning typically expect as inputs a target y, and a prediction . In Flux's convention, the order of the arguments is the following

loss(ŷ, y)

Most loss functions in Flux have an optional argument agg, denoting the type of aggregation performed over the batch:

loss(ŷ, y)                         # defaults to `mean`
loss(ŷ, y, agg=sum)                # use `sum` for reduction
loss(ŷ, y, agg=x->sum(x, dims=2))  # partial reduction
loss(ŷ, y, agg=x->mean(w .* x))    # weighted mean
loss(ŷ, y, agg=identity)           # no aggregation.

Losses Reference

mae(ŷ, y; agg = mean)

Return the loss corresponding to mean absolute error:

agg(abs.(ŷ .- y))


julia> y_model = [1.1, 1.9, 3.1];

julia> Flux.mae(y_model, 1:3)
mse(ŷ, y; agg = mean)

Return the loss corresponding to mean square error:

agg((ŷ .- y) .^ 2)

See also: mae, msle, crossentropy.


julia> y_model = [1.1, 1.9, 3.1];

julia> y_true = 1:3;

julia> Flux.mse(y_model, y_true)
msle(ŷ, y; agg = mean, ϵ = eps(ŷ))

The loss corresponding to mean squared logarithmic errors, calculated as

agg((log.(ŷ .+ ϵ) .- log.(y .+ ϵ)) .^ 2)

The ϵ term provides numerical stability. Penalizes an under-estimation more than an over-estimatation.


julia> Flux.msle(Float32[1.1, 2.2, 3.3], 1:3)

julia> Flux.msle(Float32[0.9, 1.8, 2.7], 1:3)
huber_loss(ŷ, y; δ = 1, agg = mean)

Return the mean of the Huber loss given the prediction and true values y.

             | 0.5 * |ŷ - y|^2,            for |ŷ - y| <= δ
Huber loss = |
             |  δ * (|ŷ - y| - 0.5 * δ), otherwise
label_smoothing(y::Union{Number, AbstractArray}, α; dims::Int=1)

Returns smoothed labels, meaning the confidence on label values are relaxed.

When y is given as one-hot vector or batch of one-hot, its calculated as

y .* (1 - α) .+ α / size(y, dims)

when y is given as a number or batch of numbers for binary classification, its calculated as

y .* (1 - α) .+ α / 2

in which case the labels are squeezed towards 0.5.

α is a number in interval (0, 1) called the smoothing factor. Higher the value of α larger the smoothing of y.

dims denotes the one-hot dimension, unless dims=0 which denotes the application of label smoothing to binary distributions encoded in a single number.


julia> y = Flux.onehotbatch([1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0], 0:1)
2×6 Flux.OneHotArray{2,2,Vector{UInt32}}:
 0  0  0  1  0  1
 1  1  1  0  1  0

julia> y_smoothed = Flux.label_smoothing(y, 0.2f0)
2×6 Matrix{Float32}:
 0.1  0.1  0.1  0.9  0.1  0.9
 0.9  0.9  0.9  0.1  0.9  0.1

julia> y_sim = softmax(y .* log(2f0))
2×6 Matrix{Float32}:
 0.333333  0.333333  0.333333  0.666667  0.333333  0.666667
 0.666667  0.666667  0.666667  0.333333  0.666667  0.333333

julia> y_dis = vcat(y_sim[2,:]', y_sim[1,:]')
2×6 Matrix{Float32}:
 0.666667  0.666667  0.666667  0.333333  0.666667  0.333333
 0.333333  0.333333  0.333333  0.666667  0.333333  0.666667

julia> Flux.crossentropy(y_sim, y) < Flux.crossentropy(y_sim, y_smoothed)

julia> Flux.crossentropy(y_dis, y) > Flux.crossentropy(y_dis, y_smoothed)
crossentropy(ŷ, y; dims = 1, ϵ = eps(ŷ), agg = mean)

Return the cross entropy between the given probability distributions; calculated as

agg(-sum(y .* log.(ŷ .+ ϵ); dims))

Cross entropy is typically used as a loss in multi-class classification, in which case the labels y are given in a one-hot format. dims specifies the dimension (or the dimensions) containing the class probabilities. The prediction is supposed to sum to one across dims, as would be the case with the output of a softmax operation.

For numerical stability, it is recommended to use logitcrossentropy rather than softmax followed by crossentropy .

Use label_smoothing to smooth the true labels as preprocessing before computing the loss.

See also: logitcrossentropy, binarycrossentropy, logitbinarycrossentropy.


julia> y_label = Flux.onehotbatch([0, 1, 2, 1, 0], 0:2)
3×5 Flux.OneHotArray{3,2,Vector{UInt32}}:
 1  0  0  0  1
 0  1  0  1  0
 0  0  1  0  0

julia> y_model = softmax(reshape(-7:7, 3, 5) .* 1f0)
3×5 Matrix{Float32}:
 0.0900306  0.0900306  0.0900306  0.0900306  0.0900306
 0.244728   0.244728   0.244728   0.244728   0.244728
 0.665241   0.665241   0.665241   0.665241   0.665241

julia> sum(y_model; dims=1)
1×5 Matrix{Float32}:
 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0

julia> Flux.crossentropy(y_model, y_label)

julia> 5 * ans ≈ Flux.crossentropy(y_model, y_label; agg=sum)

julia> y_smooth = Flux.label_smoothing(y_label, 0.15f0)
3×5 Matrix{Float32}:
 0.9   0.05  0.05  0.05  0.9
 0.05  0.9   0.05  0.9   0.05
 0.05  0.05  0.9   0.05  0.05

julia> Flux.crossentropy(y_model, y_smooth)
logitcrossentropy(ŷ, y; dims = 1, agg = mean)

Return the cross entropy calculated by

agg(-sum(y .* logsoftmax(ŷ; dims); dims))

This is mathematically equivalent to crossentropy(softmax(ŷ), y), but is more numerically stable than using functions crossentropy and softmax separately.

See also: binarycrossentropy, logitbinarycrossentropy, label_smoothing.


julia> y_label = Flux.onehotbatch(collect("abcabaa"), 'a':'c')
3×7 Flux.OneHotArray{3,2,Vector{UInt32}}:
 1  0  0  1  0  1  1
 0  1  0  0  1  0  0
 0  0  1  0  0  0  0

julia> y_model = reshape(vcat(-9:0, 0:9, 7.5f0), 3, 7)
3×7 Matrix{Float32}:
 -9.0  -6.0  -3.0  0.0  2.0  5.0  8.0
 -8.0  -5.0  -2.0  0.0  3.0  6.0  9.0
 -7.0  -4.0  -1.0  1.0  4.0  7.0  7.5

julia> Flux.logitcrossentropy(y_model, y_label)

julia> Flux.crossentropy(softmax(y_model), y_label)
binarycrossentropy(ŷ, y; agg = mean, ϵ = eps(ŷ))

Return the binary cross-entropy loss, computed as

agg(@.(-y * log(ŷ + ϵ) - (1 - y) * log(1 - ŷ + ϵ)))

Where typically, the prediction is given by the output of a sigmoid activation. The ϵ term is included to avoid infinity. Using logitbinarycrossentropy is recomended over binarycrossentropy for numerical stability.

Use label_smoothing to smooth the y value as preprocessing before computing the loss.

See also: crossentropy, logitcrossentropy.


julia> y_bin = Bool[1,0,1]
3-element Vector{Bool}:

julia> y_prob = softmax(reshape(vcat(1:3, 3:5), 2, 3) .* 1f0)
2×3 Matrix{Float32}:
 0.268941  0.5  0.268941
 0.731059  0.5  0.731059

julia> Flux.binarycrossentropy(y_prob[2,:], y_bin)

julia> all(p -> 0 < p < 1, y_prob[2,:])  # else DomainError

julia> y_hot = Flux.onehotbatch(y_bin, 0:1)
2×3 Flux.OneHotArray{2,2,Vector{UInt32}}:
 0  1  0
 1  0  1

julia> Flux.crossentropy(y_prob, y_hot)
kldivergence(ŷ, y; agg = mean, ϵ = eps(ŷ))

Return the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the given probability distributions.

The KL divergence is a measure of how much one probability distribution is different from the other. It is always non-negative, and zero only when both the distributions are equal.


julia> p1 = [1 0; 0 1]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  0
 0  1

julia> p2 = fill(0.5, 2, 2)
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.5  0.5
 0.5  0.5

julia> Flux.kldivergence(p2, p1) ≈ log(2)

julia> Flux.kldivergence(p2, p1; agg = sum) ≈ 2log(2)

julia> Flux.kldivergence(p2, p2; ϵ = 0)  # about -2e-16 with the regulator

julia> Flux.kldivergence(p1, p2; ϵ = 0)  # about 17.3 with the regulator
squared_hinge_loss(ŷ, y)

Return the squared hinge_loss loss given the prediction and true labels y (containing 1 or -1); calculated as sum((max.(0, 1 .- ŷ .* y)).^2) / size(y, 2).

See also: hinge_loss

dice_coeff_loss(ŷ, y; smooth = 1)

Return a loss based on the dice coefficient. Used in the V-Net image segmentation architecture. Similar to the F1_score. Calculated as:

1 - 2*sum(|ŷ .* y| + smooth) / (sum(ŷ.^2) + sum(y.^2) + smooth)
tversky_loss(ŷ, y; β = 0.7)

Return the Tversky loss. Used with imbalanced data to give more weight to false negatives. Larger β weigh recall more than precision (by placing more emphasis on false negatives) Calculated as: 1 - sum(|y .* ŷ| + 1) / (sum(y .* ŷ + β(1 .- y) . ŷ + (1 - β)y . (1 .- ŷ)) + 1)

binary_focal_loss(ŷ, y; agg=mean, γ=2, ϵ=eps(ŷ))

Return the binaryfocalloss The input, 'ŷ', is expected to be normalized (i.e. softmax output).

For γ == 0, the loss is mathematically equivalent to Losses.binarycrossentropy.


julia> y = [0  1  0
            1  0  1]
2×3 Matrix{Int64}:
 0  1  0
 1  0  1

julia> ŷ = [0.268941  0.5  0.268941
            0.731059  0.5  0.731059]
2×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.268941  0.5  0.268941
 0.731059  0.5  0.731059

julia> Flux.binary_focal_loss(ŷ, y) ≈ 0.0728675615927385

See also: Losses.focal_loss for multi-class setting

focal_loss(ŷ, y; dims=1, agg=mean, γ=2, ϵ=eps(ŷ))

Return the focal_loss which can be used in classification tasks with highly imbalanced classes. It down-weights well-classified examples and focuses on hard examples. The input, 'ŷ', is expected to be normalized (i.e. softmax output).

The modulating factor, γ, controls the down-weighting strength. For γ == 0, the loss is mathematically equivalent to Losses.crossentropy.


julia> y = [1  0  0  0  1
            0  1  0  1  0
            0  0  1  0  0]
3×5 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  0  0  0  1
 0  1  0  1  0
 0  0  1  0  0

julia> ŷ = softmax(reshape(-7:7, 3, 5) .* 1f0)
3×5 Matrix{Float32}:
 0.0900306  0.0900306  0.0900306  0.0900306  0.0900306
 0.244728   0.244728   0.244728   0.244728   0.244728
 0.665241   0.665241   0.665241   0.665241   0.665241

julia> Flux.focal_loss(ŷ, y) ≈ 1.1277571935622628

See also: Losses.binary_focal_loss for binary (not one-hot) labels
