The Julia Ecosystem
One of the main strengths of Julia lies in an ecosystem of packages globally providing a rich and consistent user experience.
This is a non-exhaustive list of Julia packages, nicely complementing Flux
in typical machine learning and deep learning workflows:
- ArgParse.jl: package for parsing command-line arguments to Julia programs.
- Augmentor.jl: a fast image augmentation library in Julia for machine learning.
- BSON.jl: package for working with the Binary JSON serialisation format
- DataFrames.jl: in-memory tabular data in Julia
- DrWatson.jl: a scientific project assistant software
- MLDatasets.jl: utility package for accessing common machine learning datasets
- OnlineStats.jl: single-pass algorithms for statistics
- Parameters.jl: types with default field values, keyword constructors and (un-)pack macros
- ProgressMeters.jl: progress meters for long-running computations
- TensorBoardLogger.jl: easy peasy logging to tensorboard in Julia
This tight integration among Julia pakages is shown in some of the examples in the model-zoo repository.