


[ 0 . 3 . 0 ] - 04 . 04 . 2022


  • Short-hand Learner method Learner(model, lossfn[; data, optim, callbacks, kwargs...]) . The old method still exists but use is discouraged.

  • Compatibility with Flux.jl v0.13 once released

  • Pollen . jl doucmentation frontend


  • (BREAKING) Hyperparameter scheduling now uses ParameterSchedules.jl instead of Animations.jl for defining schedules. See the docs .

  • Fixes on documentation pages

[ 0 . 2 . 0 ]



  • Batch* renamed to Step* :

    • events: BatchBegin now StepBegin , BatchEnd now StepEnd

    • CancelBatchException now CancelStepException .

    • field Learner.batch now Learner.step

  • Learner.step/batch is no longer a special struct but now a PropDict , allowing you to set arbitrary fields.

  • Learner.model can now be a NamedTuple/Tuple of models for use in custom training loops. Likewise, learner.params now resembles the structure of learner.model , allowing separate access to parameters of different models.

  • Callbacks

    • Added init! method for callback initilization, replacing the Init event which required a Phase to implement.

    • Scheduler now has internal step counter and no longer relies on Recorder ’s history. This makes it easier to replace the scheduler without needing to offset the new schedules.

    • EarlyStopping callback now uses criteria from EarlyStopping . jl


  • Removed old training API. Methods fitbatch! , fitbatchphase! , fitepoch! , fitepochphase! have all been removed.