Entity Embeddings with MLJFlux
This demonstration is available as a Jupyter notebook or julia script here.
Entity embedding is newer deep learning approach for categorical encoding introduced in 2016 by Cheng Guo and Felix Berkhahn. It employs a set of embedding layers to map each categorical feature into a dense continuous vector in a similar fashion to how they are employed in NLP architectures.
In MLJFlux, the NeuralNetworkClassifier
, NeuralNetworkRegressor
, and the MultitargetNeuralNetworkRegressor
` can be trained and evaluated with heterogenous data (i.e., containing categorical features) because they have a built-in entity embedding layer. Moreover, they now offer a transform which encode the categorical features with the learnt embeddings to be used by an upstream machine learning model.
In this notebook, we will explore how to use entity embeddings in MLJFlux models.
Julia version is assumed to be 1.10.*
Basic Imports
using MLJ
using Flux
using Optimisers
using CategoricalArrays
using DataFrames
using Random
using Tables
using ProgressMeter
using Plots
using ScientificTypes
Generate some data
X, y = make_blobs(1000, 2; centers=2, as_table=true, rng=40)
X = DataFrame(X);
Visualize it
X_class0 = X[y .== 1, :]
X_class1 = X[y .== 2, :]
p = plot()
scatter!(p, X_class0[!, 1], X_class0[!, 2], markercolor=:blue, label="Class 0")
scatter!(p, X_class1[!, 1], X_class1[!, 2], markercolor=:red, label="Class 1")
title!(p, "Classes in Different Colors")
xlabel!("Feature 1")
ylabel!("Feature 2")
Let's write a function that creates categorical features C1 and C2 from x1 and x2 in a meaningful way:
generate_C1(x1) = (x1 > mean(X.x1) ) ? rand(['A', 'B']) : rand(['C', 'D'])
generate_C2(x2) = (x2 > mean(X.x2) ) ? rand(['X', 'Y']) : rand(['Z'])
generate_C2 (generic function with 1 method)
Generate C1 and C2 columns
X[!, :C1] = [generate_C1(x) for x in X[!, :x1]]
X[!, :C2] = [generate_C2(x) for x in X[!, :x2]]
X[!, :R3] = rand(1000); # A random continuous column.
Form final dataset using categorical and continuous columns
X = X[!, [:C1, :C2, :R3]];
It's also necessary to cast the categorical columns to the correct scientific type as the embedding layer will have an effect on the model if and only if categorical columns exist.
X = coerce(X, :C1 =>Multiclass, :C2 =>Multiclass);
Split the data
(X_train, X_test), (y_train, y_test) = partition(
(X, y),
multi = true,
shuffle = true,
stratify = y,
rng = Random.Xoshiro(41)
Build MLJFlux Model
NeuralNetworkClassifier = @load NeuralNetworkClassifier pkg = MLJFlux
clf = MLJFlux.NeuralNetworkBinaryClassifier(
builder = MLJFlux.Short(n_hidden = 5),
optimiser = Optimisers.Adam(0.01),
batch_size = 2,
epochs = 100,
acceleration = CUDALibs(),
embedding_dims = Dict(:C1 => 2, :C2 => 2,),
[ Info: For silent loading, specify `verbosity=0`.
import MLJFlux ✔
┌ Warning: No functional GPU backend found! Defaulting to CPU.
│ 1. If no GPU is available, nothing needs to be done.
│ 2. If GPU is available, load the corresponding trigger package.
│ a. `CUDA.jl` and `cuDNN.jl` (or just `LuxCUDA.jl`) for NVIDIA CUDA Support.
│ b. `AMDGPU.jl` for AMD GPU ROCM Support.
│ c. `Metal.jl` for Apple Metal GPU Support. (Experimental)
│ d. `oneAPI.jl` for Intel oneAPI GPU Support. (Experimental)
└ @ MLDataDevices.Internal ~/.julia/packages/MLDataDevices/hoL1S/src/internal.jl:94
┌ Warning: `acceleration isa CUDALibs` but no CUDA device (GPU) currently live.
└ @ MLJFlux ~/work/MLJFlux.jl/MLJFlux.jl/src/types.jl:62
Notice that we specified to embed each of the columns to 2D columns. By default, it uses min(numfeats - 1, 10)
for the new dimensionality of any categorical feature.
Train and evaluate
mach = machine(clf, X_train, y_train)
fit!(mach, verbosity = 0)
trained Machine; caches model-specific representations of data
model: NeuralNetworkBinaryClassifier(builder = Short(n_hidden = 5, …), …)
1: Source @201 ⏎ ScientificTypesBase.Table{Union{AbstractVector{ScientificTypesBase.Continuous}, AbstractVector{ScientificTypesBase.Multiclass{4}}, AbstractVector{ScientificTypesBase.Multiclass{3}}}}
2: Source @493 ⏎ AbstractVector{ScientificTypesBase.Multiclass{2}}
Get predictions on the training data
y_pred = predict_mode(mach, X_test)
balanced_accuracy(y_pred, y_test)
Notice how the model has learnt to almost perfectly distinguish the classes and all the information has been in the categorical variables.
Visualize the embedding space
mapping_matrices = MLJFlux.get_embedding_matrices(
[1, 2], # feature indices
[:C1, :C2], # feature names (to assign to the indices)
C1_basis = mapping_matrices[:C1]
C2_basis = mapping_matrices[:C2]
p1 = scatter(C1_basis[1, :], C1_basis[2, :],
title = "C1 Basis Columns",
xlabel = "Column 1",
ylabel = "Column 2",
label = "C1 Columns",
legend = :topright)
p2 = scatter(C2_basis[1, :], C2_basis[2, :],
title = "C2 Basis Columns",
xlabel = "Column 1",
ylabel = "Column 2",
label = "C2 Columns",
legend = :topright)
c1_cats = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
for (i, col) in enumerate(eachcol(C1_basis))
annotate!(p1, col[1] + 0.1, col[2] + 0.1, text(c1_cats[i], :black, 8))
c2_cats = ['X', 'Y', 'Z']
for (i, col) in enumerate(eachcol(C2_basis))
annotate!(p2, col[1] + 0.1, col[2] + 0.1, text(string(c2_cats[i]), :black, 8))
plot(p1, p2, layout = (1, 2), size = (1000, 400))
As we can see, categories that were generated in a similar pattern were assigned similar vectors. In a dataset, where some columns have high cardinality, it's expected that some of the categories will exhibit similar patterns.
Transform (embed) data
X_tr = MLJ.transform(mach, X);
This will transform each categorical value into its corresponding embedding vector. Continuous value will remain intact.
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