Hyperparameter Tuning with MLJFlux

This demonstration is available as a Jupyter notebook or julia script here.

In this workflow example we learn how to tune different hyperparameters of MLJFlux models with emphasis on training hyperparameters.

Julia version is assumed to be 1.10.*

Basic Imports

using MLJ               # Has MLJFlux models
using Flux              # For more flexibility
import RDatasets        # Dataset source
using Plots             # To plot tuning results
import Optimisers       # native Flux.jl optimisers no longer supported

Loading and Splitting the Data

iris = RDatasets.dataset("datasets", "iris");
y, X = unpack(iris, ==(:Species), rng=123);
X = Float32.(X);      # To be compatible with type of network network parameters

Instantiating the model

Now let's construct our model. This follows a similar setup the one followed in the Quick Start.

NeuralNetworkClassifier = @load NeuralNetworkClassifier pkg=MLJFlux
clf = NeuralNetworkClassifier(
    builder=MLJFlux.MLP(; hidden=(5,4), σ=Flux.relu),
  builder = MLP(
        hidden = (5, 4), 
        σ = NNlib.relu), 
  finaliser = NNlib.softmax, 
  optimiser = Adam(0.01, (0.9, 0.999), 1.0e-8), 
  loss = Flux.Losses.crossentropy, 
  epochs = 10, 
  batch_size = 8, 
  lambda = 0.0, 
  alpha = 0.0, 
  rng = 42, 
  optimiser_changes_trigger_retraining = false, 
  acceleration = CPU1{Nothing}(nothing), 
  embedding_dims = Dict{Symbol, Real}())

Hyperparameter Tuning Example

Let's tune the batch size and the learning rate. We will use grid search and 5-fold cross-validation.

We start by defining the hyperparameter ranges

r1 = range(clf, :batch_size, lower=1, upper=64)
etas = [10^x for x in range(-4, stop=0, length=4)]
optimisers = [Optimisers.Adam(eta) for eta in etas]
r2 = range(clf, :optimiser, values=optimisers)
NominalRange(optimiser = Adam(0.0001, (0.9, 0.999), 1.0e-8), Adam(0.00215443, (0.9, 0.999), 1.0e-8), Adam(0.0464159, (0.9, 0.999), 1.0e-8), ...)

Then passing the ranges along with the model and other arguments to the TunedModel constructor.

tuned_model = TunedModel(
    resampling=CV(nfolds=5, rng=42),
    range=[r1, r2],

Then wrapping our tuned model in a machine and fitting it.

mach = machine(tuned_model, X, y);
fit!(mach, verbosity=0);

Let's check out the best performing model:

  builder = MLP(
        hidden = (5, 4), 
        σ = NNlib.relu), 
  finaliser = NNlib.softmax, 
  optimiser = Adam(0.0464159, (0.9, 0.999), 1.0e-8), 
  loss = Flux.Losses.crossentropy, 
  epochs = 10, 
  batch_size = 1, 
  lambda = 0.0, 
  alpha = 0.0, 
  rng = 42, 
  optimiser_changes_trigger_retraining = false, 
  acceleration = CPU1{Nothing}(nothing), 
  embedding_dims = Dict{Symbol, Real}())

Learning Curves

With learning curves, it's possible to center our focus on the effects of a single hyperparameter of the model

First define the range and wrap it in a learning curve

r = range(clf, :epochs, lower=1, upper=200, scale=:log10)
curve = learning_curve(
    resampling=CV(nfolds=4, rng=42),
(parameter_name = "epochs",
 parameter_scale = :log10,
 parameter_values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13  …  39, 46, 56, 67, 80, 96, 116, 139, 167, 200],
 measurements = [0.9231712033780419, 0.7672938542047157, 0.6736075721456418, 0.6064130950372606, 0.5595521804926612, 0.5270759259385482, 0.5048969423979114, 0.47993815474701584, 0.46130985568830307, 0.4449225600160762  …  0.1621185148276446, 0.12283639917434747, 0.09543014842693512, 0.07850181447968614, 0.06950203807005066, 0.063248279208185, 0.060053521895940286, 0.05921442672620914, 0.05921052970422136, 0.060379476300399186],)

Then plot the curve

    ylab = "Cross Entropy",
Example block output

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