SMS Spam Detection with RNNs
This demonstration is available as a Jupyter notebook or julia script here.
In this demo we use a custom RNN model from Flux with MLJFlux to classify text messages as spam or ham. We will be using the SMS Collection Dataset from Kaggle.
Warning. This demo includes some non-idiomatic use of MLJ to allow use of the Flux.jl Embedding
layer. It is not recommended for MLJ beginners.
Basic Imports
using MLJ
using MLJFlux
using Flux
import Optimisers # Flux.jl native optimisers no longer supported
using CSV # Read data
using DataFrames # Read data
using WordTokenizers # For tokenization
using Languages # For stop words
Reading Data
We assume the SMS Collection Dataset has been downloaded and is in a file called "sms.csv" in the same directory as the this script.
df =, "sms.csv"), DataFrame);
Display the first 5 rows with DataFrames
first(df, 5)
Row | Category | Message |
String7 | String | |
1 | ham | Go until jurong point, crazy.. Available only in bugis n great world la e buffet... Cine there got amore wat... |
2 | ham | Ok lar... Joking wif u oni... |
3 | spam | Free entry in 2 a wkly comp to win FA Cup final tkts 21st May 2005. Text FA to 87121 to receive entry question(std txt rate)T&C's apply 08452810075over18's |
4 | ham | U dun say so early hor... U c already then say... |
5 | ham | Nah I don't think he goes to usf, he lives around here though |
Text Preprocessing
Let's define a function that given an SMS message would:
Tokenize it (i.e., convert it into a vector of words)
Remove stop words (i.e., words that are not useful for the analysis, like "the", "a", etc.)
Return the filtered vector of words
const STOP_WORDS = Languages.stopwords(Languages.English())
function preprocess_text(text)
# (1) Splitting texts into words (so later it can be a sequence of vectors)
tokens = WordTokenizers.tokenize(text)
# (2) Stop word removal
filtered_tokens = filter(token -> !(token in STOP_WORDS), tokens)
return filtered_tokens
preprocess_text (generic function with 1 method)
Define the vocabulary to be the set of all words in our training set. We also need a function that would map each word in a given sequence of words into its index in the dictionary (which is equivalent to representing the words as one-hot vectors).
Now after we do this the sequences will all be numerical vectors but they will be of unequal length. Thus, to facilitate batching of data for the deep learning model, we need to decide on a specific maximum length for all sequences and:
If a sequence is longer than the maximum length, we need to truncate it
If a sequence is shorter than the maximum length, we need to pad it with a new token
Lastly, we must also handle the case that an incoming text sequence may involve words never seen in training by represent all such out-of-vocabulary words with a new token.
We will define a function that would do this for us.
function encode_and_equalize(text_seq, vocab_dict, max_length, pad_val, oov_val)
# (1) encode using the vocabulary
text_seq_inds = [get(vocab_dict, word, oov_val) for word in text_seq]
# (2) truncate sequence if > max_length
length(text_seq_inds) > max_length && (text_seq_inds = text_seq_inds[1:max_length])
# (3) pad with pad_val
text_seq_inds = vcat(text_seq_inds, fill(pad_val, max_length - length(text_seq_inds)))
return text_seq_inds
encode_and_equalize (generic function with 1 method)
Preparing Data
Splitting the data
x_data, y_data = unpack(df, ==(:Message), ==(:Category))
y_data = coerce(y_data, Multiclass);
(x_train, x_val), (y_train, y_val) = partition(
(x_data, y_data),
multi = true,
shuffle = true,
rng = 42,
Now let's process the training and validation sets:
x_train_processed = [preprocess_text(text) for text in x_train]
x_val_processed = [preprocess_text(text) for text in x_val];
sanity check
println(x_train_processed[1], " is ", y_data[1])
["Que", "pases", "un", "buen", "tiempo"] is ham
Define the vocabulary from the training data
vocab = unique(vcat(x_train_processed...))
vocab_dict = Dict(word => idx for (idx, word) in enumerate(vocab))
vocab_size = length(vocab)
pad_val, oov_val = vocab_size + 1, vocab_size + 2
max_length = 12 # can choose this more smartly if you wish
Encode and equalize training and validation data:
x_train_processed_equalized = [
encode_and_equalize(seq, vocab_dict, max_length, pad_val, oov_val) for
seq in x_train_processed
x_val_processed_equalized = [
encode_and_equalize(seq, vocab_dict, max_length, pad_val, oov_val) for
seq in x_val_processed
x_train_processed_equalized[1:5] # all sequences are encoded and of the same length
5-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10404, 10404, 10404, 10404, 10404, 10404, 10404]
[6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 11, 14, 15, 16]
[36, 37, 38, 39, 36, 40, 41, 42, 10404, 10404, 10404, 10404]
[43, 24, 36, 44, 45, 46, 10404, 10404, 10404, 10404, 10404, 10404]
[43, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 44, 45]
Convert both structures into matrix form:
matrixify(v) = reduce(hcat, v)'
x_train_processed_equalized_fixed = matrixify(x_train_processed_equalized)
x_val_processed_equalized_fixed = matrixify(x_val_processed_equalized)
(4458, 12)
Instantiate Model
For the model, we will use a RNN from Flux. We will average the hidden states corresponding to any sequence then pass that to a dense layer for classification.
For this, we need to define a custom Flux layer to perform the averaging operation:
struct Mean end
Flux.@layer Mean
(m::Mean)(x) = mean(x, dims = 2)[:, 1, :] # [batch_size, seq_len, hidden_dim] => [batch_size, 1, hidden_dim]=> [batch_size, hidden_dim]
For compatibility, we will also define a layer that simply casts the input to integers as the embedding layer in Flux expects integers but the MLJFlux model expects floats:
struct Intify end
Flux.@layer Intify
(m::Intify)(x) = Int.(x)
Here we define our network:
builder = MLJFlux.@builder begin
Intify(), # Cast input to integer
Embedding(vocab_size + 2 => 300), # Embedding layer
RNN(300, 50, tanh), # RNN layer
Mean(), # Mean pooling layer
Dense(50, 2), # Classification dense layer
GenericBuilder(apply = #15)
Notice that we used an embedding layer with input dimensionality vocab_size + 2
to take into account the padding and out-of-vocabulary tokens. Recall that the indices in our input correspond to one-hot-vectors and the embedding layer's purpose is to learn to map them into meaningful dense vectors (of dimensionality 300 here).
- Load and instantiate model
NeuralNetworkClassifier = @load NeuralNetworkClassifier pkg = MLJFlux
clf = NeuralNetworkClassifier(
builder = builder,
optimiser = Optimisers.Adam(0.1),
batch_size = 128,
epochs = 10,
builder = GenericBuilder(
apply = Main.var"#15#16"()),
finaliser = NNlib.softmax,
optimiser = Adam(0.1, (0.9, 0.999), 1.0e-8),
loss = Flux.Losses.crossentropy,
epochs = 10,
batch_size = 128,
lambda = 0.0,
alpha = 0.0,
rng = Random.TaskLocalRNG(),
optimiser_changes_trigger_retraining = false,
acceleration = CPU1{Nothing}(nothing),
embedding_dims = Dict{Symbol, Real}())
- Wrap it in a machine
x_train_processed_equalized_fixed = coerce(x_train_processed_equalized_fixed, Continuous)
mach = machine(clf, x_train_processed_equalized_fixed, y_train)
untrained Machine; caches model-specific representations of data
model: NeuralNetworkClassifier(builder = GenericBuilder(apply = #15), …)
1: Source @184 ⏎ AbstractMatrix{ScientificTypesBase.Continuous}
2: Source @940 ⏎ AbstractVector{ScientificTypesBase.Multiclass{2}}
Train the Model
trained Machine; caches model-specific representations of data
model: NeuralNetworkClassifier(builder = GenericBuilder(apply = #15), …)
1: Source @184 ⏎ AbstractMatrix{ScientificTypesBase.Continuous}
2: Source @940 ⏎ AbstractVector{ScientificTypesBase.Multiclass{2}}
Evaluate the Model
ŷ = predict_mode(mach, x_val_processed_equalized_fixed)
balanced_accuracy(ŷ, y_val)
Acceptable performance. Let's see some live examples:
using Random: Random;
z = rand(x_val)
z_processed = preprocess_text(z)
z_encoded_equalized =
encode_and_equalize(z_processed, vocab_dict, max_length, pad_val, oov_val)
z_encoded_equalized_fixed = matrixify([z_encoded_equalized])
z_encoded_equalized_fixed = coerce(z_encoded_equalized_fixed, Continuous)
z_pred = predict_mode(mach, z_encoded_equalized_fixed)
print("SMS: `$(z)` and the prediction is `$(z_pred)`")
SMS: `Hi elaine, is today's meeting confirmed?` and the prediction is `CategoricalArrays.CategoricalValue{InlineStrings.String7, UInt32}[InlineStrings.String7("ham")]`
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