
MLJFlux provides the model types below, for use with input features X and targets y of the scientific type indicated in the table below. The parameters n_in, n_out and n_channels refer to information passed to the builder, as described under Defining Custom Builders.

Model TypePrediction typescitype(X) <: _scitype(y) <: _
NeuralNetworkRegressorDeterministicAbstractMatrix{Continuous} or Table(Continuous) with n_in columnsAbstractVector{<:Continuous) (n_out = 1)
MultitargetNeuralNetworkRegressorDeterministicAbstractMatrix{Continuous} or Table(Continuous) with n_in columns<: Table(Continuous) with n_out columns
NeuralNetworkClassifierProbabilisticAbstractMatrix{Continuous} or Table(Continuous) with n_in columnsAbstractVector{<:Finite} with n_out classes
NeuralNetworkBinaryClassifierProbabilisticAbstractMatrix{Continuous} or Table(Continuous) with n_in columnsAbstractVector{<:Finite{2}} (but n_out = 1)
ImageClassifierProbabilisticAbstractVector(<:Image{W,H}) with n_in = (W, H)AbstractVector{<:Finite} with n_out classes
What exactly is a "model"?

In MLJ a model is a mutable struct storing hyper-parameters for some learning algorithm indicated by the model name, and that's all. In particular, an MLJ model does not store learned parameters.

Difference in Definition

In Flux the term "model" has another meaning. However, as all Flux "models" used in MLJFLux are Flux.Chain objects, we call them chains, and restrict use of "model" to models in the MLJ sense.

Are oberservations rows or columns?

In MLJ the convention for two-dimensional data (tables and matrices) is rows=obervations. For matrices Flux has the opposite convention. If your data is a matrix with whose column index the observation index, then your optimal solution is to present the adjoint or transpose of your matrix to MLJFlux models. Otherwise, you can use the matrix as is, or transform one time with permutedims, and again present the adjoint or transpose as the optimal solution for MLJFlux training.

Instructions for coercing common image formats into some AbstractVector{<:Image} are here.

Fitting and warm restarts

MLJ machines cache state enabling the "warm restart" of model training, as demonstrated in the incremental training example. In the case of MLJFlux models, fit!(mach) will use a warm restart if:

  • only model.epochs has changed since the last call; or

  • only model.epochs or model.optimiser have changed since the last call and model.optimiser_changes_trigger_retraining == false (the default) (the "state" part of the optimiser is ignored in this comparison). This allows one to dynamically modify learning rates, for example.

Here model=mach.model is the associated MLJ model.

The warm restart feature makes it possible to externally control iteration. See, for example, Early Stopping with MLJFlux and Using MLJ to classifiy the MNIST image dataset.

Model Hyperparameters.

All models share the following hyper-parameters. See individual model docstrings for a full list.

builderDefault builder for models.MLJFlux.Linear(σ=Flux.relu) (regressors) or MLJFlux.Short(n_hidden=0, dropout=0.5, σ=Flux.σ) (classifiers)
optimiserThe optimiser to use for training.Optimiser.Adam()
lossThe loss function used for training.Flux.mse (regressors) and Flux.crossentropy (classifiers)
n_epochsNumber of epochs to train for.10
batch_sizeThe batch size for the data.1
lambdaThe regularization strength. Range = [0, ∞).0
alphaThe L2/L1 mix of regularization. Range = [0, 1].0
rngThe random number generator (RNG) passed to builders, for weight initialization, for example. Can be any AbstractRNG or the seed (integer) for a Xoshirio that is reset on every cold restart of model (machine) training.GLOBAL_RNG
accelerationUse CUDALibs() for training on GPU; default is CPU1().CPU1()
optimiser_changes_trigger_retrainingTrue if fitting an associated machine should trigger retraining from scratch whenever the optimiser changes.false

The classifiers have an additional hyperparameter finaliser (default is Flux.softmax, or Flux.σ in the binary case) which is the operation applied to the unnormalized output of the final layer to obtain probabilities (outputs summing to one). It should return a vector of the same length as its input.

Loss Functions

Currently, the loss function specified by loss=... is applied internally by Flux and needs to conform to the Flux API. You cannot, for example, supply one of MLJ's probabilistic loss functions, such as MLJ.cross_entropy to one of the classifier constructors.

That said, you can only use MLJ loss functions or metrics in evaluation meta-algorithms (such as cross validation) and they will work even if the underlying model comes from MLJFlux.

More on accelerated training with GPUs

As in the table, when instantiating a model for training on a GPU, specify acceleration=CUDALibs(), as in

using MLJ
ImageClassifier = @load ImageClassifier
model = ImageClassifier(epochs=10, acceleration=CUDALibs())
mach = machine(model, X, y) |> fit!

In this example, the data X, y is copied onto the GPU under the hood on the call to fit! and cached for use in any warm restart (see above). The Flux chain used in training is always copied back to the CPU at then conclusion of fit!, and made available as fitted_params(mach).


MLJFlux.MLP(hidden=(10,))General multi-layer perceptron
MLJFlux.Short(n_hidden=0, dropout=0.5, σ=sigmoid)Fully connected network with one hidden layer and dropout
MLJFlux.Linear(σ=relu)Vanilla linear network with no hidden layers and activation function σ
MLJFlux.@builderMacro for customized builders