

Developer guide

API Reference

public MobileNetv3struct

MobileNetv3(mode::Symbol = :small, width_mult::Number = 1; inchannels = 3, pretrain = false, nclasses = 1000)

Create a MobileNetv3 model with the specified configuration. (reference). Set pretrain = true to load the model with pre-trained weights for ImageNet.


  • mode: :small or :large for the size of the model (see paper).
  • width_mult: Controls the number of output feature maps in each block (with 1.0 being the default in the paper; this is usually a value between 0.1 and 1.4)
  • inchannels: The number of channels in the input. The default value is 3.
  • pretrain: whether to load the pre-trained weights for ImageNet
  • nclasses: the number of output classes

See also Metalhead.mobilenetv3.