
struct defined in module Flux

			Dropout(p; [dims, rng, active])

Layer implementing dropout with the given probability. This is used as a regularisation, i.e. to reduce overfitting.

While training, it sets each input to 0 (with probability p) or else scales it by 1 / (1 - p), using the NNlib.dropout function. While testing, it has no effect.

By default the mode will switch automatically, but it can also be controlled manually via Flux.testmode!, or by passing keyword active=true for training mode.

By default every input is treated independently. With the dims keyword, instead it takes a random choice only along that dimension. For example Dropout(p; dims = 3) will randomly zero out entire channels on WHCN input (also called 2D dropout).

Keyword rng lets you specify a custom random number generator. (Only supported on the CPU.)


			julia> m = Chain(Dense(ones(3,2)), Dropout(0.4))
  Dense(2 => 3),                        # 9 parameters

julia> m(ones(2, 7))  # test mode, no effect
3×7 Matrix{Float64}:
 2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0
 2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0
 2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0

julia> Flux.trainmode!(m)  # equivalent to use within gradient
  Dense(2 => 3),                        # 9 parameters
  Dropout(0.4, active=true),

julia> m(ones(2, 7))
3×7 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.0      0.0      3.33333  0.0      0.0      0.0  0.0
 3.33333  0.0      3.33333  0.0      3.33333  0.0  3.33333
 3.33333  3.33333  0.0      3.33333  0.0      0.0  3.33333

julia> y = m(ones(2, 10_000));

julia> using Statistics

julia> mean(y)  # is about 2.0, same as in test mode

julia> mean(iszero, y)  # is about 0.4