
function defined in module Flux

			testmode!(model, [mode]) -> model

Set a layer, or all layers in a model, to test mode. This disables the effect of Dropout and some other regularisation layers.

If you manually set a model into test mode, you need to manually place it back into train mode during training phase, using trainmode!.

There is an optional second argument, which takes a symbol :auto to reset all layers back to the default automatic mode.


			julia> d = Dropout(0.3)

julia> testmode!(d)   # dropout is now always disabled
Dropout(0.3, active=false)

julia> trainmode!(d)  # dropout is now always enabled
Dropout(0.3, active=true)

julia> testmode!(d, :auto)  # back to default

			testmode!(model, inactive)

This two-argument method is largely internal. It recurses into the model, and until a method like testmode!(d::Dropout, inactive) alters the activity of a layer. Custom layers can support manual testmode! / trainmode! switching by defining such a method.

Possible values of inactive are:

  • true for testing, i.e. active=false

  • false for training, same as trainmode! (m)

  • :auto or nothing for Flux to detect training automatically.


This method may be removed in a future breaking change, to separate the user-facing testmode! from the internal recursion.