Built-in Layer Types

If you started at the beginning of the guide, then you have already met the basic Dense layer, and seen Chain for combining layers. These core layers form the foundation of almost all neural networks.

The Dense exemplifies several features:

  • It contains an an activation function, which is broadcasted over the output. Because this broadcast can be fused with other operations, doing so is more efficient than applying the activation function separately.

  • It take an init keyword, which accepts a function acting like rand. That is, init(2,3,4) should create an array of this size. Flux has many such functions built-in. All make a CPU array, moved later with gpu if desired.

  • The bias vector is always initialised Flux.zeros32. The keyword bias=false will turn this off, i.e. keeping the bias permanently zero.

  • It is annotated with @layer, which means that Flux.setup will see the contents, and gpu will move their arrays to the GPU.

By contrast, Chain itself contains no parameters, but connects other layers together. The section on dataflow layers introduces others like this.

Fully Connected

Dense(in => out, σ=identity; bias=true, init=glorot_uniform)
Dense(W::AbstractMatrix, [bias, σ])

Create a traditional fully connected layer, whose forward pass is given by:

y = σ.(W * x .+ bias)

The input x should be a vector of length in, or batch of vectors represented as an in × N matrix, or any array with size(x,1) == in. The out y will be a vector of length out, or a batch with size(y) == (out, size(x)[2:end]...)

Keyword bias=false will switch off trainable bias for the layer. The initialisation of the weight matrix is W = init(out, in), calling the function given to keyword init, with default glorot_uniform. The weight matrix and/or the bias vector (of length out) may also be provided explicitly.


julia> model = Dense(5 => 2)
Dense(5 => 2)       # 12 parameters

julia> model(rand32(5, 64)) |> size
(2, 64)

julia> model(rand32(5, 6, 4, 64)) |> size  # treated as three batch dimensions
(2, 6, 4, 64)

julia> model2 = Dense(ones(2, 5), false, tanh)  # using provided weight matrix
Dense(5 => 2, tanh; bias=false)  # 10 parameters

julia> model2(ones(5))
2-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> Flux.trainables(model2)  # no trainable bias
1-element Vector{AbstractArray}:
 [1.0 1.0 … 1.0 1.0; 1.0 1.0 … 1.0 1.0]
Bilinear((in1, in2) => out, σ=identity; bias=true, init=glorot_uniform)
Bilinear(W::AbstractArray, [bias, σ])

Creates a layer which is fully connected between two inputs and the output, and otherwise similar to Dense. Its output, given vectors x & y, is another vector z with, for all i ∈ 1:out:

z[i] = σ(x' * W[i,:,:] * y + bias[i])

If x and y are matrices, then each column of the output z = B(x, y) is of this form, with B the Bilinear layer.

If the second input y is not given, it is taken to be equal to x, i.e. B(x) == B(x, x)

The two inputs may also be provided as a tuple, B((x, y)) == B(x, y), which is accepted as the input to a Chain.

If the two input sizes are the same, in1 == in2, then you may write Bilinear(in => out, σ).

The initialisation works as for Dense layer, with W = init(out, in1, in2). By default the bias vector is zeros(Float32, out), option bias=false will switch off trainable bias. Either of these may be provided explicitly.


julia> x, y = randn(Float32, 5, 32), randn(Float32, 5, 32);

julia> B = Flux.Bilinear((5, 5) => 7)
Bilinear(5 => 7)    # 182 parameters

julia> B(x) |> size  # interactions based on one input
(7, 32)

julia> B(x,y) == B((x,y))  # two inputs, may be given as a tuple

julia> sc = SkipConnection(
                Chain(Dense(5 => 20, tanh), Dense(20 => 9, tanh)),
                Flux.Bilinear((9, 5) => 3, bias=false),
            );  # used as the recombinator, with skip as the second input

julia> sc(x) |> size
(3, 32)

julia> Flux.Bilinear(rand(4,8,16), false, tanh)  # first dim of weight is the output
Bilinear((8, 16) => 4, tanh; bias=false)  # 512 parameters
Scale(size::Integer..., σ=identity; bias=true, init=ones32)
Scale(scale::AbstractArray, [bias, σ])

Create an element-wise layer, whose forward pass is given by:

y = σ.(scale .* x .+ bias)

This uses .* instead of matrix multiplication * of Dense.

The learnable scale & bias are initialised init(size...) and zeros32(size...), with init=ones32 by default. You may specify the function init, turn off trainable bias with bias=false, or provide the array(s) explicitly.

Used by LayerNorm with affine=true.


julia> a = Flux.Scale(2)
Scale(2)            # 4 parameters

julia> Flux.trainables(a)
2-element Vector{AbstractArray}:
 Float32[1.0, 1.0]
 Float32[0.0, 0.0]

julia> a([1 2 3])
2×3 Matrix{Float32}:
 1.0  2.0  3.0
 1.0  2.0  3.0

julia> b = Flux.Scale(Float32[1 2 3 4], false, abs2)
Scale(1, 4, abs2; bias=false)  # 4 parameters

julia> b([1, 10])
2×4 Matrix{Float32}:
   1.0    4.0    9.0    16.0
 100.0  400.0  900.0  1600.0

julia> Flux.trainables(b)
1-element Vector{AbstractArray}:
 Float32[1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0]

Perhaps Scale isn't quite fully connected, but it may be thought of as Dense(Diagonal(s.weights), s.bias), and LinearAlgebra's Diagonal is a matrix which just happens to contain many zeros.

Convolution Models

These layers are used to build convolutional neural networks (CNNs).

They all expect images in what is called WHCN order: a batch of 32 colour images, each 50 x 50 pixels, will have size(x) == (50, 50, 3, 32). A single grayscale image might instead have size(x) == (28, 28, 1, 1).

Besides images, 2D data, they also work with 1D data, where for instance stereo sound recording with 1000 samples might have size(x) == (1000, 2, 1). They will also work with 3D data, ndims(x) == 5, where again the last two dimensions are channel and batch.

To understand how strides and padding work, the article by Dumoulin & Visin has great illustrations.

Conv(filter, in => out, σ = identity;
     stride = 1, pad = 0, dilation = 1, groups = 1, [bias, init])

Standard convolutional layer. filter is a tuple of integers specifying the size of the convolutional kernel; in and out specify the number of input and output channels.

Image data should be stored in WHCN order (width, height, channels, batch). In other words, a 100×100 RGB image would be a 100×100×3×1 array, and a batch of 50 would be a 100×100×3×50 array. This has N = 2 spatial dimensions, and needs a kernel size like (5,5), a 2-tuple of integers.

To take convolutions along N feature dimensions, this layer expects as input an array with ndims(x) == N+2, where size(x, N+1) == in is the number of input channels, and size(x, ndims(x)) is (as always) the number of observations in a batch. Then:

  • filter should be a tuple of N integers.
  • Keywords stride and dilation should each be either single integer, or a tuple with N integers.
  • Keyword pad specifies the number of elements added to the borders of the data array. It can be
    • a single integer for equal padding all around,
    • a tuple of N integers, to apply the same padding at begin/end of each spatial dimension,
    • a tuple of 2*N integers, for asymmetric padding, or
    • the singleton SamePad(), to calculate padding such that size(output,d) == size(x,d) / stride (possibly rounded) for each spatial dimension.
  • Keyword groups is expected to be an Int. It specifies the number of groups to divide a convolution into.

Keywords to control initialization of the layer:

  • init - Function used to generate initial weights. Defaults to glorot_uniform.
  • bias - The initial bias vector is all zero by default. Trainable bias can be disabled entirely by setting this to false, or another vector can be provided such as bias = randn(Float32, out).

See also ConvTranspose, DepthwiseConv, CrossCor.


julia> xs = rand32(100, 100, 3, 50); # a batch of 50 RGB images

julia> layer = Conv((5,5), 3 => 7, relu; bias = false)
Conv((5, 5), 3 => 7, relu, bias=false)  # 525 parameters

julia> layer(xs) |> size
(96, 96, 7, 50)

julia> Conv((5,5), 3 => 7; stride = 2)(xs) |> size
(48, 48, 7, 50)

julia> Conv((5,5), 3 => 7; stride = 2, pad = SamePad())(xs) |> size
(50, 50, 7, 50)

julia> Conv((1,1), 3 => 7; pad = (20,10,0,0))(xs) |> size
(130, 100, 7, 50)

julia> Conv((5,5), 3 => 7; stride = 2, dilation = 4)(xs) |> size
(42, 42, 7, 50)
Conv(weight::AbstractArray, [bias, activation; stride, pad, dilation])

Constructs a convolutional layer with the given weight and bias. Accepts the same keywords and has the same defaults as Conv(k::NTuple{N,Integer}, ch::Pair{<:Integer,<:Integer}, σ; ...).

julia> weight = rand(3, 4, 5);

julia> bias = zeros(5);

julia> layer = Conv(weight, bias, sigmoid)  # expects 1 spatial dimension
Conv((3,), 4 => 5, σ)  # 65 parameters

julia> layer(randn(100, 4, 64)) |> size
(98, 5, 64)

julia> Flux.params(layer) |> length
ConvTranspose(filter, in => out, σ=identity; stride=1, pad=0, outpad=0, dilation=1, [bias, init])

Standard convolutional transpose layer. filter is a tuple of integers specifying the size of the convolutional kernel, while in and out specify the number of input and output channels.

Note that pad=SamePad() here tries to ensure size(output,d) == size(x,d) * stride.

To conserve Conv inversability when stride > 1, outpad can be used to increase the size of the output in the desired dimensions. Whereas pad is used to zero-pad the input, outpad only affects the output shape.

Parameters are controlled by additional keywords, with defaults init=glorot_uniform and bias=true.

See also Conv for more detailed description of keywords.


julia> xs = rand32(100, 100, 3, 50);  # a batch of 50 RGB images

julia> layer = ConvTranspose((5,5), 3 => 7, relu)
ConvTranspose((5, 5), 3 => 7, relu)  # 532 parameters

julia> layer(xs) |> size
(104, 104, 7, 50)

julia> ConvTranspose((5,5), 3 => 7, stride=2)(xs) |> size
(203, 203, 7, 50)

julia> ConvTranspose((5,5), 3 => 7, stride=2, outpad=1)(xs) |> size
(204, 204, 7, 50)

julia> ConvTranspose((5,5), 3 => 7, stride=3, pad=SamePad())(xs) |> size
(300, 300, 7, 50)
ConvTranspose(weight::AbstractArray, [bias, activation; stride, pad, outpad, dilation, groups])

Constructs a ConvTranspose layer with the given weight and bias. Accepts the same keywords and has the same defaults as ConvTranspose(k::NTuple{N,Integer}, ch::Pair{<:Integer,<:Integer}, σ; ...).


julia> weight = rand(3, 4, 5);

julia> bias = zeros(4);

julia> layer = ConvTranspose(weight, bias, sigmoid)
ConvTranspose((3,), 5 => 4, σ)  # 64 parameters

julia> layer(randn(100, 5, 64)) |> size  # transposed convolution will increase the dimension size (upsampling)
(102, 4, 64)

julia> Flux.params(layer) |> length
CrossCor(filter, in => out, σ=identity; stride=1, pad=0, dilation=1, [bias, init])

Standard cross correlation layer. filter is a tuple of integers specifying the size of the convolutional kernel; in and out specify the number of input and output channels.

Parameters are controlled by additional keywords, with defaults init=glorot_uniform and bias=true.

See also Conv for more detailed description of keywords.


julia> xs = rand(Float32, 100, 100, 3, 50);  # a batch of 50 RGB images

julia> layer = CrossCor((5,5), 3 => 6, relu; bias=false)
CrossCor((5, 5), 3 => 6, relu, bias=false)  # 450 parameters

julia> layer(xs) |> size
(96, 96, 6, 50)

julia> CrossCor((5,5), 3 => 7, stride=3, pad=(2,0))(xs) |> size
(34, 32, 7, 50)
CrossCor(weight::AbstractArray, [bias, activation; stride, pad, dilation])

Constructs a CrossCor layer with the given weight and bias. Accepts the same keywords and has the same defaults as CrossCor(k::NTuple{N,Integer}, ch::Pair{<:Integer,<:Integer}, σ; ...).


julia> weight = rand(3, 4, 5);

julia> bias = zeros(5);

julia> layer = CrossCor(weight, bias, relu)
CrossCor((3,), 4 => 5, relu)  # 65 parameters

julia> layer(randn(100, 4, 64)) |> size
(98, 5, 64)
DepthwiseConv(filter, in => out, σ=identity; stride=1, pad=0, dilation=1, [bias, init])
DepthwiseConv(weight::AbstractArray, [bias, activation; stride, pad, dilation])

Return a depthwise convolutional layer, that is a Conv layer with number of groups equal to the number of input channels.

See Conv for a description of the arguments.


julia> xs = rand(Float32, 100, 100, 3, 50);  # a batch of 50 RGB images

julia> layer = DepthwiseConv((5,5), 3 => 6, relu; bias=false)
Conv((5, 5), 3 => 6, relu, groups=3, bias=false)  # 150 parameters 

julia> layer(xs) |> size
(96, 96, 6, 50)

julia> DepthwiseConv((5, 5), 3 => 9, stride=2, pad=2)(xs) |> size
(50, 50, 9, 50)

Passed as an option to convolutional layers (and friends), this causes the padding to be chosen such that the input and output sizes agree (on the first N dimensions, the kernel or window) when stride==1. When stride≠1, the output size equals ceil(input_size/stride).

See also Conv, MaxPool.


julia> xs = rand32(100, 100, 3, 50);  # a batch of images

julia> layer = Conv((2,2), 3 => 7, pad=SamePad())
Conv((2, 2), 3 => 7, pad=(1, 0, 1, 0))  # 91 parameters

julia> layer(xs) |> size  # notice how the dimensions stay the same with this padding
(100, 100, 7, 50)

julia> layer2 = Conv((2,2), 3 => 7)
Conv((2, 2), 3 => 7)  # 91 parameters

julia> layer2(xs) |> size  # the output dimension changes as the padding was not "same"
(99, 99, 7, 50)

julia> layer3 = Conv((5, 5), 3 => 7, stride=2, pad=SamePad())
Conv((5, 5), 3 => 7, pad=2, stride=2)  # 532 parameters

julia> layer3(xs) |> size  # output size = `ceil(input_size/stride)` = 50
(50, 50, 7, 50)


The basic blocks needed to implement Transformer architectures. See also the functional counterparts documented in NNlib's Attention section.

MultiHeadAttention(dims; [nheads, bias, init, dropout_prob])

The multi-head dot-product attention layer used in Transformer architectures [1].

Returns the transformed input sequence and the attention scores.

[1] Vaswani et al. "Attention is all you need." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2017.


  • dims: The embedding dimensions of inputs, intermediate tensors and outputs. In the most general case, it is given as a) (q_in_dim, k_in_dim, v_in_dim) => (qk_dim, v_dim) => out_dim. Can take also simpler forms as b) dims::Int; c) in_dim::Int => (qk_dim, v_dim) => out_dim; d) in_dim::Int => qkv_dim => out_dim.
  • nheads: number of heads. Default 8.
  • init: weight initializer for the Dense layers. Default glorot_uniform.
  • bias : whether pointwise QKVO dense transforms use bias. Default false.
  • dropout_prob: dropout probability for the attention scores. Default 0.0.


(mha::MultiHeadAttention)(q_in, k_in, v_in, [bias]; [mask])

The arguments of the forward pass are:

  • q_in: Input query array of size (q_in_dim, q_len, batch_size).
  • k_in: Input key array of size (k_in_dim, kv_len, batch_size).
  • v_in: Input value array of size (v_in_dim, kv_len, batch_size).
  • bias: Bias array broadcastable to size (kv_len, q_len, nheads, batch_size). It will be added to the attention scores before the softmax. Default nothing.
  • mask: Input array broadcastable to size (kv_len, q_len, nheads, batch_size). The mask is applied to the attention scores just before the softmax. See NNlib.make_causal_mask for creating causal masks. Default nothing.

Alternative calling signatures are mha(q_in), equivalent to mha(q_in, q_in, q_in) (self-attention), and mha(q_in, k_in), equivalent to mha(q_in, k_in, k_in) (key and value are the same).

See also NNlib.dot_product_attention.


mha = MultiHeadAttention(64, nheads = 8)
q = rand(Float32, (64, 10, 32))
k = rand(Float32, (64, 20, 32))
v = rand(Float32, (64, 20, 32))
y, α = mha(q, k, v) 
# [y] = [64, 10, 32]
# [α] = [20, 10, 8, 32]

mha = MultiHeadAttention(64 => 1024 => 1024, nheads = 8)
y, α = mha(q) # self-attention
# [y] = [1024, 10, 32]
# [α] = [10, 10, 8, 32]


These layers are commonly used after a convolution layer, and reduce the size of its output. They have no trainable parameters.


Adaptive max pooling layer. Calculates the necessary window size such that its output has size(y)[1:N] == out.

Expects as input an array with ndims(x) == N+2, i.e. channel and batch dimensions, after the N feature dimensions, where N = length(out).

See also MaxPool, AdaptiveMeanPool.


julia> xs = rand(Float32, 100, 100, 3, 50);  # batch of 50 RGB images

julia> AdaptiveMaxPool((25, 25))(xs) |> size
(25, 25, 3, 50)

julia> MaxPool((4,4))(xs) ≈ AdaptiveMaxPool((25, 25))(xs)
MaxPool(window::NTuple; pad=0, stride=window)

Max pooling layer, which replaces all pixels in a block of size window with one.

Expects as input an array with ndims(x) == N+2, i.e. channel and batch dimensions, after the N feature dimensions, where N = length(window).

By default the window size is also the stride in each dimension. The keyword pad accepts the same options as for the Conv layer, including SamePad().

See also Conv, MeanPool, AdaptiveMaxPool, GlobalMaxPool.


julia> xs = rand(Float32, 100, 100, 3, 50);  # batch of 50 RGB images

julia> m = Chain(Conv((5, 5), 3 => 7, pad=SamePad()), MaxPool((5, 5), pad=SamePad()))
  Conv((5, 5), 3 => 7, pad=2),          # 532 parameters
  MaxPool((5, 5), pad=2),

julia> m[1](xs) |> size
(100, 100, 7, 50)

julia> m(xs) |> size
(20, 20, 7, 50)

julia> layer = MaxPool((5,), pad=2, stride=(3,))  # one-dimensional window
MaxPool((5,), pad=2, stride=3)

julia> layer(rand(Float32, 100, 7, 50)) |> size
(34, 7, 50)

Global max pooling layer.

Transforms (w,h,c,b)-shaped input into (1,1,c,b)-shaped output, by performing max pooling on the complete (w,h)-shaped feature maps.

See also MaxPool, GlobalMeanPool.

julia> xs = rand(Float32, 100, 100, 3, 50);

julia> m = Chain(Conv((3,3), 3 => 7), GlobalMaxPool());

julia> m(xs) |> size
(1, 1, 7, 50)

julia> GlobalMaxPool()(rand(3,5,7)) |> size  # preserves 2 dimensions
(1, 5, 7)

Adaptive mean pooling layer. Calculates the necessary window size such that its output has size(y)[1:N] == out.

Expects as input an array with ndims(x) == N+2, i.e. channel and batch dimensions, after the N feature dimensions, where N = length(out).

See also MaxPool, AdaptiveMaxPool.


julia> xs = rand(Float32, 100, 100, 3, 50);  # batch of 50 RGB images

julia> AdaptiveMeanPool((25, 25))(xs) |> size
(25, 25, 3, 50)

julia> MeanPool((4,4))(xs) ≈ AdaptiveMeanPool((25, 25))(xs)
MeanPool(window::NTuple; pad=0, stride=window)

Mean pooling layer, averaging all pixels in a block of size window.

Expects as input an array with ndims(x) == N+2, i.e. channel and batch dimensions, after the N feature dimensions, where N = length(window).

By default the window size is also the stride in each dimension. The keyword pad accepts the same options as for the Conv layer, including SamePad().

See also Conv, MaxPool, AdaptiveMeanPool.


julia> xs = rand(Float32, 100, 100, 3, 50);

julia> m = Chain(Conv((5,5), 3 => 7), MeanPool((5,5), pad=SamePad()))
  Conv((5, 5), 3 => 7),                 # 532 parameters
  MeanPool((5, 5), pad=2),

julia> m[1](xs) |> size
(96, 96, 7, 50)

julia> m(xs) |> size
(20, 20, 7, 50)

Global mean pooling layer.

Transforms (w,h,c,b)-shaped input into (1,1,c,b)-shaped output, by performing mean pooling on the complete (w,h)-shaped feature maps.

julia> xs = rand(Float32, 100, 100, 3, 50);

julia> m = Chain(Conv((3,3), 3 => 7), GlobalMeanPool());

julia> m(xs) |> size
(1, 1, 7, 50)


The opposite of pooling, these layers increase the size of an array. They have no trainable parameters.

Upsample(mode = :nearest; [scale, size]) 
Upsample(scale, mode = :nearest)

An upsampling layer. One of two keywords must be given:

If scale is a number, this applies to all but the last two dimensions (channel and batch) of the input. It may also be a tuple, to control dimensions individually. Alternatively, keyword size accepts a tuple, to directly specify the leading dimensions of the output.

Currently supported upsampling modes and corresponding NNlib's methods are:


julia> m = Upsample(scale = (2, 3))
Upsample(:nearest, scale = (2, 3))

julia> m(ones(2, 2, 1, 1)) |> size
(4, 6, 1, 1)

julia> m = Upsample(:bilinear, size = (4, 5))
Upsample(:bilinear, size = (4, 5))

julia> m(ones(2, 2, 1, 1)) |> size
(4, 5, 1, 1)

Pixel shuffling layer with upscale factor r. Usually used for generating higher resolution images while upscaling them.

See NNlib.pixel_shuffle.


julia> p = PixelShuffle(2);

julia> xs = [2row + col + channel/10 for row in 1:2, col in 1:2, channel in 1:4, n in 1:1]
2×2×4×1 Array{Float64, 4}:
[:, :, 1, 1] =
 3.1  4.1
 5.1  6.1

[:, :, 2, 1] =
 3.2  4.2
 5.2  6.2

[:, :, 3, 1] =
 3.3  4.3
 5.3  6.3

[:, :, 4, 1] =
 3.4  4.4
 5.4  6.4

julia> p(xs)
4×4×1×1 Array{Float64, 4}:
[:, :, 1, 1] =
 3.1  3.3  4.1  4.3
 3.2  3.4  4.2  4.4
 5.1  5.3  6.1  6.3
 5.2  5.4  6.2  6.4

julia> xs = [3row + col + channel/10 for row in 1:2, col in 1:3, channel in 1:4, n in 1:1]
2×3×4×1 Array{Float64, 4}:
[:, :, 1, 1] =
 4.1  5.1  6.1
 7.1  8.1  9.1

[:, :, 2, 1] =
 4.2  5.2  6.2
 7.2  8.2  9.2

[:, :, 3, 1] =
 4.3  5.3  6.3
 7.3  8.3  9.3

[:, :, 4, 1] =
 4.4  5.4  6.4
 7.4  8.4  9.4

julia> p(xs)
4×6×1×1 Array{Float64, 4}:
[:, :, 1, 1] =
 4.1  4.3  5.1  5.3  6.1  6.3
 4.2  4.4  5.2  5.4  6.2  6.4
 7.1  7.3  8.1  8.3  9.1  9.3
 7.2  7.4  8.2  8.4  9.2  9.4

Embedding Vectors

These layers accept an index, and return a vector (or several indices, and several vectors). The possible embedding vectors are learned parameters.

Embedding(in => out; init=randn32)

A lookup table that stores embeddings of dimension out for a vocabulary of size in, as a trainable matrix.

This layer is often used to store word embeddings and retrieve them using indices. The input to the layer can be a vocabulary index in 1:in, an array of indices, or the corresponding onehot encoding.

For indices x, the result is of size (out, size(x)...), allowing several batch dimensions. For one-hot ohx, the result is of size (out, size(ohx)[2:end]...).


julia> emb = Embedding(26 => 4, init=Flux.identity_init(gain=22))
Embedding(26 => 4)  # 104 parameters

julia> emb(2)  # one column of e.weight (here not random!)
4-element Vector{Float32}:

julia> emb([3, 1, 20, 14, 4, 15, 7])  # vocabulary indices, in 1:26
4×7 Matrix{Float32}:
  0.0  22.0  0.0  0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
  0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
 22.0   0.0  0.0  0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
  0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0  22.0  0.0  0.0

julia> ans == emb(Flux.onehotbatch("cat&dog", 'a':'z', 'n'))

julia> emb(rand(1:26, (10, 1, 12))) |> size  # three batch dimensions
(4, 10, 1, 12)
EmbeddingBag(in => out, reduction=mean; init=Flux.randn32)

A lookup table that stores embeddings of dimension out for a vocabulary of size in. Differs from Embedding in that, instead of acting on a single vocabulary index, it always acts a vector of indices which it calls a "bag". Their individual embedding vectors are reduced to one, using mean or some other function.

Instead of acting on one "bag", such as x::Vector{Int}, the layer can also act on several:

  • Acting on a vector of "bags", it produces a matrix whose columns are the reduced vectors. More generally on x::Array{Vector{Int}}, its output is of size (out, size(x)...).

  • Any higher-rank array of integers is interpreted as a collection of "bags" each along the first dimension. Thus the output is mapslices(e, x; dims=1) when e::EmbeddingBag and x::Array{Int,N}. This method is more efficient, but requires that all "bags" have the same length.

  • A vector of "bags" may also be produced by splitting a vector of indices at specified points. For this case the layer takes two inputs, both vectors of integers. See details below.

The "bag" may equivalently be represented as a OneHotMatrix. A collection of these, or one higher-rank OneHotArray, again produce a stack of embeddings. See details below.


julia> vocab_size = 26;  # embed into 3 dimensions, with non-random vectors:

julia> eb = EmbeddingBag(vocab_size => 3, init=Flux.identity_init(gain=100))
EmbeddingBag(26 => 3)  # 78 parameters

julia> eb([2])  # one bag of 1 item
3-element Vector{Float32}:

julia> eb([3,3,1])  # one bag of 3 items, one mean embedding
3-element Vector{Float32}:

julia> eb([[3,1,3], [2,1]])  # two bags
3×2 Matrix{Float32}:
 33.3333  50.0
  0.0     50.0
 66.6667   0.0

julia> eb([1 1 1 1; 1 2 3 4])  # 4 bags each of 2 items, eachcol([1 1 1 1; 1 2 3 4])
3×4 Matrix{Float32}:
 100.0  50.0  50.0  50.0
   0.0  50.0   0.0   0.0
   0.0   0.0  50.0   0.0

julia> eb(rand(1:26, 10, 5, 5)) |> size  # 25 bags each of 10 items
(3, 5, 5)

Another way to specify "many bags of many items" is to provide a vector data (each in 1:in) and a vector at stating where to split that up into "bags". The first bag starts with data[at[1]], the second at data[at[2]], and so on, with no overlaps and nothing left out (thus it requires at[1]==1).

julia> data = [11, 1, 12, 2, 13, 3, 14];

julia> data[1:3], data[4:end]
([11, 1, 12], [2, 13, 3, 14])

julia> eb(data, [1, 4])  # two bags, of 3 and 4 items
3×2 Matrix{Float32}:
 33.3333   0.0
  0.0     25.0
  0.0     25.0

Finally, each bag may also be also be represented as a OneHotMatrix.

julia> eb(Flux.onehotbatch("bba", 'a':'z'))  # same as [2,2,1], one bag of 3 items
3-element Vector{Float32}:

julia> eb([Flux.onehotbatch("bba", 'a':'z'), Flux.onehotbatch("cc", 'a':'z')])  # two bags
3×2 Matrix{Float32}:
 33.3333    0.0
 66.6667    0.0
  0.0     100.0

Dataflow Layers, or Containers

The basic Chain(F, G, H) applies the layers it contains in sequence, equivalent to H ∘ G ∘ F. Flux has some other layers which contain layers, but connect them up in a more complicated way: SkipConnection allows ResNet's residual connection.

Chain(name = layer, ...)

Collects multiple layers / functions to be called in sequence on a given input. Supports indexing and slicing, m[2] or m[1:end-1], and if names are given, m[:name] == m[1] etc.


julia> m = Chain(x -> x^2, x -> x+1);

julia> m(5) == 26

julia> m = Chain(Dense(10 => 5, tanh), Dense(5 => 2));

julia> x = rand32(10, 32);

julia> m(x) == m[2](m[1](x))

julia> m2 = Chain(enc = Chain(Flux.flatten, Dense(10 => 5, tanh)), 
                  dec = Dense(5 => 2));

julia> m2(x) == (m2[:dec] ∘ m2[:enc])(x)

For large models, there is a special type-unstable path which can reduce compilation times. This can be used by supplying a vector of layers Chain([layer1, layer2, ...]). This feature is somewhat experimental, beware!

activations(c::Chain, input)

Like calling a Chain, but saves the result of each layer as an output.


julia> using Flux: activations

julia> c = Chain(x -> x + 1, x -> x * 2, x -> x ^ 3);

julia> activations(c, 1)
(2, 4, 64)
Maxout(f, n_alts)

This contains a number of internal layers, each of which receives the same input. Its output is the elementwise maximum of the internal layers' outputs.

Instead of defining layers individually, you can provide a zero-argument function which constructs them, and the number to construct.

Maxout over linear dense layers satisfies the universal approximation theorem. See Goodfellow, Warde-Farley, Mirza, Courville & Bengio "Maxout Networks" https://arxiv.org/abs/1302.4389.

See also Parallel to reduce with other operators.


julia> m = Maxout(x -> abs2.(x), x -> x .* 3);

julia> m([-2 -1 0 1 2])
1×5 Matrix{Int64}:
 4  1  0  3  6

julia> m3 = Maxout(() -> Dense(5 => 7, tanh), 3)
  Dense(5 => 7, tanh),                  # 42 parameters
  Dense(5 => 7, tanh),                  # 42 parameters
  Dense(5 => 7, tanh),                  # 42 parameters
)                   # Total: 6 arrays, 126 parameters, 816 bytes.

julia> Flux.outputsize(m3, (5, 11))
(7, 11)
SkipConnection(layer, connection)

Create a skip connection which consists of a layer or Chain of consecutive layers and a shortcut connection linking the block's input to the output through a user-supplied 2-argument callable. The first argument to the callable will be propagated through the given layer while the second is the unchanged, "skipped" input.

The simplest "ResNet"-type connection is just SkipConnection(layer, +). Here is a more complicated example:

julia> m = Conv((3,3), 4 => 7, pad=(1,1));

julia> x = ones(Float32, 5, 5, 4, 10);

julia> size(m(x)) == (5, 5, 7, 10)

julia> sm = SkipConnection(m, (mx, x) -> cat(mx, x, dims=3));

julia> size(sm(x)) == (5, 5, 11, 10)

See also Parallel, Maxout.

Parallel(connection, layers...)
Parallel(connection; name = layer, ...)

Create a layer which passes an input array to each path in layers, before reducing the output with connection.

Called with one input x, this is equivalent to connection([l(x) for l in layers]...). If called with multiple inputs, one is passed to each layer, thus Parallel(+, f, g)(x, y) = f(x) + g(y).

Like Chain, its sub-layers may be given names using the keyword constructor. These can be accessed by indexing: m[1] == m[:name] is the first layer.

See also SkipConnection which is Parallel with one identity, and Maxout which reduces by broadcasting max.


julia> model = Chain(Dense(3 => 5),
                     Parallel(vcat, Dense(5 => 4), Chain(Dense(5 => 7), Dense(7 => 4))),
                     Dense(8 => 17));

julia> model(rand32(3)) |> size

julia> model2 = Parallel(+; α = Dense(10 => 2, tanh), β = Dense(5 => 2))
  α = Dense(10 => 2, tanh),             # 22 parameters
  β = Dense(5 => 2),                    # 12 parameters
)                   # Total: 4 arrays, 34 parameters, 344 bytes.

julia> model2(rand32(10), rand32(5)) |> size

julia> model2[:α](rand32(10)) |> size

julia> model2[:β] == model2[2]
PairwiseFusion(connection, layers...)


  • connection: A function taking 2 inputs and combining them into a single output
  • layers: The layers whose outputs are combined


This layer behaves differently based on input type:

  1. If input x is a tuple of length N (or the input is xs with N x's), matching the number of layers,

then each layer receives a new input x[i] combined with the previous output y[i-1] using connection. Thus (y1, y2, y3) = PairwiseFusion(connection, layer1, layer2, layer3)((x1, x2, x3)) may be drawn as:

x1 → layer1 → y1 ↘
                  connection → layer2 → y2 ↘
              x2 ↗                          connection → layer3 → y3
                                        x3 ↗

... or written as:

y1 = layer1(x1)
y2 = layer2(connection(y1, x2))
y3 = layer3(connection(y2, x3))
  1. With just one input, each layer receives the same x combined with the previous output. Thus y = PairwiseFusion(connection, layers...)(x) obeys:
y[1] == layers[1](x)
for i in 2:length(layers)
    y[i] == connection(layers[i](y[i-1]), x)


A tuple of length N with the output of each fusion ((y1, y2, ..., yN) in the example above).


Recurrent Models

Much like the core layers above, but can be used to process sequence data (as well as other kinds of structured data).

RNN(in => out, σ = tanh)

The most basic recurrent layer; essentially acts as a Dense layer, but with the output fed back into the input each time step.

The arguments in and out describe the size of the feature vectors passed as input and as output. That is, it accepts a vector of length in or a batch of vectors represented as a in x B matrix and outputs a vector of length out or a batch of vectors of size out x B.

This constructor is syntactic sugar for Recur(RNNCell(a...)), and so RNNs are stateful. Note that the state shape can change depending on the inputs, and so it is good to reset! the model between inference calls if the batch size changes. See the examples below.


julia> r = RNN(3 => 5)
  RNNCell(3 => 5, tanh),                # 50 parameters
)         # Total: 4 trainable arrays, 50 parameters,
          # plus 1 non-trainable, 5 parameters, summarysize 424 bytes.

julia> r(rand(Float32, 3)) |> size

julia> Flux.reset!(r);

julia> r(rand(Float32, 3, 10)) |> size # batch size of 10
(5, 10)
Batch size changes

Failing to call reset! when the input batch size changes can lead to unexpected behavior. See the following example:

julia> r = RNN(3 => 5)
  RNNCell(3 => 5, tanh),                # 50 parameters
)         # Total: 4 trainable arrays, 50 parameters,
          # plus 1 non-trainable, 5 parameters, summarysize 432 bytes.

julia> r.state |> size
(5, 1)

julia> r(rand(Float32, 3)) |> size

julia> r.state |> size
(5, 1)

julia> r(rand(Float32, 3, 10)) |> size # batch size of 10
(5, 10)

julia> r.state |> size # state shape has changed
(5, 10)

julia> r(rand(Float32, 3)) |> size # erroneously outputs a length 5*10 = 50 vector.


RNNCells can be constructed directly by specifying the non-linear function, the Wi and Wh internal matrices, a bias vector b, and a learnable initial state state0. The Wi and Wh matrices do not need to be the same type, but if Wh is dxd, then Wi should be of shape dxN.

julia> using LinearAlgebra

julia> r = Flux.Recur(Flux.RNNCell(tanh, rand(5, 4), Tridiagonal(rand(5, 5)), rand(5), rand(5, 1)))

julia> r(rand(4, 10)) |> size # batch size of 10
(5, 10)
LSTM(in => out)

Long Short Term Memory recurrent layer. Behaves like an RNN but generally exhibits a longer memory span over sequences.

The arguments in and out describe the size of the feature vectors passed as input and as output. That is, it accepts a vector of length in or a batch of vectors represented as a in x B matrix and outputs a vector of length out or a batch of vectors of size out x B.

This constructor is syntactic sugar for Recur(LSTMCell(a...)), and so LSTMs are stateful. Note that the state shape can change depending on the inputs, and so it is good to reset! the model between inference calls if the batch size changes. See the examples below.

See this article for a good overview of the internals.


julia> l = LSTM(3 => 5)
  LSTMCell(3 => 5),                     # 190 parameters
)         # Total: 5 trainable arrays, 190 parameters,
          # plus 2 non-trainable, 10 parameters, summarysize 1.023 KiB.

julia> l(rand(Float32, 3)) |> size

julia> Flux.reset!(l);

julia> l(rand(Float32, 3, 10)) |> size # batch size of 10
(5, 10)
Batch size changes

Failing to call reset! when the input batch size changes can lead to unexpected behavior. See the example in RNN.


LSTMCells can be constructed directly by specifying the non-linear function, the Wi and Wh internal matrices, a bias vector b, and a learnable initial state state0. The Wi and Wh matrices do not need to be the same type. See the example in RNN.

GRU(in => out)

Gated Recurrent Unit layer. Behaves like an RNN but generally exhibits a longer memory span over sequences. This implements the variant proposed in v1 of the referenced paper.

The integer arguments in and out describe the size of the feature vectors passed as input and as output. That is, it accepts a vector of length in or a batch of vectors represented as a in x B matrix and outputs a vector of length out or a batch of vectors of size out x B.

This constructor is syntactic sugar for Recur(GRUCell(a...)), and so GRUs are stateful. Note that the state shape can change depending on the inputs, and so it is good to reset! the model between inference calls if the batch size changes. See the examples below.

See this article for a good overview of the internals.


julia> g = GRU(3 => 5)
  GRUCell(3 => 5),                      # 140 parameters
)         # Total: 4 trainable arrays, 140 parameters,
          # plus 1 non-trainable, 5 parameters, summarysize 784 bytes.

julia> g(rand(Float32, 3)) |> size

julia> Flux.reset!(g);

julia> g(rand(Float32, 3, 10)) |> size # batch size of 10
(5, 10)
Batch size changes

Failing to call reset! when the input batch size changes can lead to unexpected behavior. See the example in RNN.


GRUCells can be constructed directly by specifying the non-linear function, the Wi and Wh internal matrices, a bias vector b, and a learnable initial state state0. The Wi and Wh matrices do not need to be the same type. See the example in RNN.

GRUv3(in => out)

Gated Recurrent Unit layer. Behaves like an RNN but generally exhibits a longer memory span over sequences. This implements the variant proposed in v3 of the referenced paper.

The arguments in and out describe the size of the feature vectors passed as input and as output. That is, it accepts a vector of length in or a batch of vectors represented as a in x B matrix and outputs a vector of length out or a batch of vectors of size out x B.

This constructor is syntactic sugar for Recur(GRUv3Cell(a...)), and so GRUv3s are stateful. Note that the state shape can change depending on the inputs, and so it is good to reset! the model between inference calls if the batch size changes. See the examples below.

See this article for a good overview of the internals.


julia> g = GRUv3(3 => 5)
  GRUv3Cell(3 => 5),                    # 140 parameters
)         # Total: 5 trainable arrays, 140 parameters,
          # plus 1 non-trainable, 5 parameters, summarysize 840 bytes.

julia> g(rand(Float32, 3)) |> size

julia> Flux.reset!(g);

julia> g(rand(Float32, 3, 10)) |> size # batch size of 10
(5, 10)
Batch size changes

Failing to call reset! when the input batch size changes can lead to unexpected behavior. See the example in RNN.


GRUv3Cells can be constructed directly by specifying the non-linear function, the Wi, Wh, and Wh_h internal matrices, a bias vector b, and a learnable initial state state0. The Wi, Wh, and Wh_h matrices do not need to be the same type. See the example in RNN.


Recur takes a recurrent cell and makes it stateful, managing the hidden state in the background. cell should be a model of the form:

h, y = cell(h, x...)

For example, here's a recurrent network that keeps a running total of its inputs:


julia> accum(h, x) = (h + x, x)
accum (generic function with 1 method)

julia> rnn = Flux.Recur(accum, 0)

julia> rnn(2) 

julia> rnn(3)

julia> rnn.state

Folding over a 3d Array of dimensions (features, batch, time) is also supported:

julia> accum(h, x) = (h .+ x, x)
accum (generic function with 1 method)

julia> rnn = Flux.Recur(accum, zeros(Int, 1, 1))

julia> rnn([2])
1-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> rnn([3])
1-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> rnn.state
1×1 Matrix{Int64}:

julia> out = rnn(reshape(1:10, 1, 1, :));  # apply to a sequence of (features, batch, time)

julia> out |> size
(1, 1, 10)

julia> vec(out)
10-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> rnn.state
1×1 Matrix{Int64}:

Reset the hidden state of a recurrent layer back to its original value.

Assuming you have a Recur layer rnn, this is roughly equivalent to:

rnn.state = hidden(rnn.cell)


julia> r = Flux.RNNCell(relu, ones(1,1), zeros(1,1), ones(1,1), zeros(1,1));  # users should use the RNN wrapper struct instead

julia> y = Flux.Recur(r, ones(1,1));

julia> y.state
1×1 Matrix{Float64}:

julia> y(ones(1,1))  # relu(1*1 + 1)
1×1 Matrix{Float64}:

julia> y.state
1×1 Matrix{Float64}:

julia> Flux.reset!(y)
1×1 Matrix{Float64}:

julia> y.state
1×1 Matrix{Float64}:

Normalisation & Regularisation

These layers don't affect the structure of the network but may improve training times or reduce overfitting. Some of them contain trainable parameters, while others do not.

BatchNorm(channels::Integer, λ=identity;
          initβ=zeros32, initγ=ones32,
          affine=true, track_stats=true, active=nothing,
          eps=1f-5, momentum= 0.1f0)

Batch Normalization layer. channels should be the size of the channel dimension in your data (see below).

Given an array with N dimensions, call the N-1th the channel dimension. For a batch of feature vectors this is just the data dimension, for WHCN images it's the usual channel dimension.

BatchNorm computes the mean and variance for each D_1×...×D_{N-2}×1×D_N input slice and normalises the input accordingly.

If affine=true, it also applies a shift and a rescale to the input through to learnable per-channel bias β and scale γ parameters.

After normalisation, elementwise activation λ is applied.

If track_stats=true, accumulates mean and var statistics in training phase that will be used to renormalize the input in test phase.

Use testmode! during inference.


julia> using Statistics

julia> xs = rand(3, 3, 3, 2);  # a batch of 2 images, each having 3 channels

julia> m = BatchNorm(3);

julia> Flux.trainmode!(m);

julia> isapprox(std(m(xs)), 1, atol=0.1) && std(xs) != std(m(xs))
Dropout(p; [dims, rng, active])

Layer implementing dropout with the given probability. This is used as a regularisation, i.e. to reduce overfitting.

While training, it sets each input to 0 (with probability p) or else scales it by 1 / (1 - p), using the NNlib.dropout function. While testing, it has no effect.

By default the mode will switch automatically, but it can also be controlled manually via Flux.testmode!, or by passing keyword active=true for training mode.

By default every input is treated independently. With the dims keyword, instead it takes a random choice only along that dimension. For example Dropout(p; dims = 3) will randomly zero out entire channels on WHCN input (also called 2D dropout).

Keyword rng lets you specify a custom random number generator. (Only supported on the CPU.)


julia> m = Chain(Dense(ones(3,2)), Dropout(0.4))
  Dense(2 => 3),                        # 9 parameters

julia> m(ones(2, 7))  # test mode, no effect
3×7 Matrix{Float64}:
 2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0
 2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0
 2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0

julia> Flux.trainmode!(m)  # equivalent to use within gradient
  Dense(2 => 3),                        # 9 parameters
  Dropout(0.4, active=true),

julia> m(ones(2, 7))
3×7 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.0      0.0      3.33333  0.0      0.0      0.0  0.0
 3.33333  0.0      3.33333  0.0      3.33333  0.0  3.33333
 3.33333  3.33333  0.0      3.33333  0.0      0.0  3.33333

julia> y = m(ones(2, 10_000));

julia> using Statistics

julia> mean(y)  # is about 2.0, same as in test mode

julia> mean(iszero, y)  # is about 0.4
AlphaDropout(p; [rng, active])

A dropout layer. Used in Self-Normalizing Neural Networks. The AlphaDropout layer ensures that mean and variance of activations remain the same as before.

Does nothing to the input once testmode! is true.


julia> using Statistics

julia> x = randn32(1000,1);

julia> m = Chain(Dense(1000 => 1000, selu), AlphaDropout(0.2));

julia> Flux.trainmode!(m);

julia> y = m(x);

julia> isapprox(std(x), std(y), atol=0.2)
LayerNorm(size..., λ=identity; affine=true, eps=1f-5)

A normalisation layer designed to be used with recurrent hidden states. The argument size should be an integer or a tuple of integers.

In the forward pass, the layer normalises the mean and standard deviation of the input, then applies the elementwise activation λ. The input is normalised along the first length(size) dimensions for tuple size, and along the first dimension for integer size. The input is expected to have first dimensions' size equal to size.

If affine=true, it also applies a learnable shift and rescaling using the Scale layer.

See also BatchNorm, InstanceNorm, GroupNorm, and normalise.


julia> using Statistics

julia> xs = rand(3, 3, 3, 2);  # a batch of 2 images, each having 3 channels

julia> m = LayerNorm(3);

julia> y = m(xs);

julia> isapprox(std(y, dims=1:3), ones(1, 1, 1, 2), atol=0.1) && std(y, dims=1:3) != std(xs, dims=1:3)
InstanceNorm(channels::Integer, λ=identity;
             initβ=zeros32, initγ=ones32,
             affine=false, track_stats=false,
             eps=1f-5, momentum=0.1f0)

Instance Normalization layer. channels should be the size of the channel dimension in your data (see below).

Given an array with N > 2 dimensions, call the N-1th the channel dimension. For WHCN images it's the usual channel dimension.

InstanceNorm computes the mean and variance for each D_1×...×D_{N-2}×1×1 input slice and normalises the input accordingly.

If affine=true, it also applies a shift and a rescale to the input through to learnable per-channel bias β and scale γ parameters.

If track_stats=true, accumulates mean and var statistics in training phase that will be used to renormalize the input in test phase.

Warning: the defaults for affine and track_stats used to be true in previous Flux versions (< v0.12).


julia> using Statistics

julia> xs = rand(3, 3, 3, 2);  # a batch of 2 images, each having 3 channels

julia> m = InstanceNorm(3);

julia> y = m(xs);

julia> isapprox(std(y, dims=1:2), ones(1, 1, 3, 2), atol=0.2) && std(y, dims=1:2) != std(xs, dims=1:2)
GroupNorm(channels::Int, G::Int, λ = identity;
          initβ = zeros32,
          initγ = ones32,
          affine = true,
          eps = 1f-5,
          momentum = 0.1f0)

Group Normalization layer.

chs is the number of channels, the channel dimension of your input. For an array of N dimensions, the N-1th index is the channel dimension.

G is the number of groups along which the statistics are computed. The number of channels must be an integer multiple of the number of groups.

channels should be the size of the channel dimension in your data (see below).

Given an array with N > 2 dimensions, call the N-1th the channel dimension. For WHCN images it's the usual channel dimension.

If affine=true, it also applies a shift and a rescale to the input through to learnable per-channel bias β and scale γ parameters.


julia> using Statistics

julia> xs = rand(3, 3, 4, 2);  # a batch of 2 images, each having 4 channels

julia> m = GroupNorm(4, 2);

julia> y = m(xs);

julia> isapprox(std(y[:, :, 1:2, 1]), 1, atol=0.1) && std(xs[:, :, 1:2, 1]) != std(y[:, :, 1:2, 1])

julia> isapprox(std(y[:, :, 3:4, 2]), 1, atol=0.1) && std(xs[:, :, 3:4, 2]) != std(y[:, :, 3:4, 2])
normalise(x; dims=ndims(x), eps=1e-5)

Normalise x to mean 0 and standard deviation 1 across the dimension(s) given by dims. Per default, dims is the last dimension. eps is a small term added to the denominator for numerical stability.


julia> using Statistics

julia> x = [90, 100, 110, 130, 70];

julia> mean(x), std(x; corrected=false)
(100.0, 20.0)

julia> y = Flux.normalise(x)
5-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> isapprox(std(y; corrected=false), 1, atol=1e-5)

julia> x = rand(10:100, 10, 10);

julia> y = Flux.normalise(x, dims=1);

julia> isapprox(std(y; dims=1, corrected=false), ones(1, 10), atol=1e-5)

Test vs. Train

Several normalisation layers behave differently under training and inference (testing). By default, Flux will automatically determine when a layer evaluation is part of training or inference.


This automatic train/test detection works best with Zygote, the default automatic differentiation package. It may not work with other packages such as Tracker, Yota, or ForwardDiff.

The functions Flux.trainmode! and Flux.testmode! let you manually specify which behaviour you want. When called on a model, they will place all layers within the model into the specified mode.

testmode!(model, [mode]) -> model

Set a layer, or all layers in a model, to test mode. This disables the effect of Dropout and some other regularisation layers.

If you manually set a model into test mode, you need to manually place it back into train mode during training phase, using trainmode!.

There is an optional second argument, which takes a symbol :auto to reset all layers back to the default automatic mode.


julia> d = Dropout(0.3)

julia> testmode!(d)   # dropout is now always disabled
Dropout(0.3, active=false)

julia> trainmode!(d)  # dropout is now always enabled
Dropout(0.3, active=true)

julia> testmode!(d, :auto)  # back to default
testmode!(model, inactive)

This two-argument method is largely internal. It recurses into the model, and until a method like testmode!(d::Dropout, inactive) alters the activity of a layer. Custom layers can support manual testmode! / trainmode! switching by defining such a method.

Possible values of inactive are:

  • true for testing, i.e. active=false
  • false for training, same as trainmode!(m)
  • :auto or nothing for Flux to detect training automatically.

This method may be removed in a future breaking change, to separate the user-facing testmode! from the internal recursion.

trainmode!(model) -> model

Set a layer, or all layers in a model, to training mode. Opposite to testmode!, see further details there.
