Model Building Basics

Net Functions

Flux's core feature is the @net macro, which adds some superpowers to regular ol' Julia functions. Consider this simple function with the @net annotation applied:

@net f(x) = x .* x
f([1,2,3]) == [1,4,9]

This behaves as expected, but we have some extra features. For example, we can convert the function to run on TensorFlow or MXNet :

f_mxnet = mxnet(f)
f_mxnet([1,2,3]) == [1.0, 4.0, 9.0]

Simples! Flux took care of a lot of boilerplate for us and just ran the multiplication on MXNet. MXNet can optimise this code for us, taking advantage of parallelism or running the code on a GPU.

Using MXNet, we can get the gradient of the function, too:

back!(f_mxnet, [1,1,1], [1,2,3]) == ([2.0, 4.0, 6.0],)

f is effectively x^2 , so the gradient is 2x as expected.

The Model

The core concept in Flux is the model . This corresponds to what might be called a "layer" or "module" in other frameworks. A model is simply a differentiable function with parameters. Given a model m we can do things like:

m(x)           # See what the model does to an input vector `x`
back!(m, Δ, x) # backpropogate the gradient `Δ` through `m`
update!(m, η)  # update the parameters of `m` using the gradient

We can implement a model however we like as long as it fits this interface. But as hinted above, @net is a particularly easy way to do it, because it gives you these functions for free.


Consider how we'd write a logistic regression. We just take the Julia code and add @net .

@net logistic(W, b, x) = softmax(x * W .+ b)

W = randn(10, 2)
b = randn(1, 2)
x = rand(1, 10) # [0.563 0.346 0.780  …] – fake data
y = [1 0] # our desired classification of `x`

ŷ = logistic(W, b, x) # [0.46 0.54]

The network takes a set of 10 features ( x , a row vector) and produces a classification , equivalent to a probability of true vs false. softmax scales the output to sum to one, so that we can interpret it as a probability distribution.

We can use MXNet and get gradients:

logisticm = mxnet(logistic)
logisticm(W, b, x) # [0.46 0.54]
back!(logisticm, [0.1 -0.1], W, b, x) # (dW, db, dx)

The gradient [0.1 -0.1] says that we want to increase ŷ[1] and decrease ŷ[2] to get closer to y . back! gives us the tweaks we need to make to each input ( W , b , x ) in order to do this. If we add these tweaks to W and b it will predict more accurately.

Treating parameters like W and b as inputs can get unwieldy in larger networks. Since they are both global we can use them directly:

@net logistic(x) = softmax(x * W .+ b)

However, this gives us a problem: how do we get their gradients?

Flux solves this with the Param wrapper:

W = param(randn(10, 2))
b = param(randn(1, 2))
@net logistic(x) = softmax(x * W .+ b)

This works as before, but now W.x stores the real value and W.Δx stores its gradient, so we don't have to manage it by hand. We can even use update! to apply the gradients automatically.

logisticm(x) # [0.46, 0.54]

back!(logisticm, [-1 1], x)
update!(logisticm, 0.1)

logisticm(x) # [0.51, 0.49]

Our network got a little closer to the target y . Now we just need to repeat this millions of times.

Side note: We obviously need a way to calculate the "tweak" [0.1, -0.1] automatically. We can use a loss function like mean squared error for this:

# How wrong is ŷ?
mse([0.46, 0.54], [1, 0]) == 0.292
# What change to `ŷ` will reduce the wrongness?
back!(mse, -1, [0.46, 0.54], [1, 0]) == [0.54 -0.54]


Bigger networks contain many affine transformations like W * x + b . We don't want to write out the definition every time we use it. Instead, we can factor this out by making a function that produces models:

function create_affine(in, out)
  W = param(randn(out,in))
  b = param(randn(out))
  @net x -> W * x + b

affine1 = create_affine(3,2)

Flux has a more powerful syntax for this pattern, but also provides a bunch of layers out of the box. So we can instead write:

affine1 = Affine(5, 5)
affine2 = Affine(5, 5)

softmax(affine1(x)) # [0.167952 0.186325 0.176683 0.238571 0.23047]
softmax(affine2(x)) # [0.125361 0.246448 0.21966 0.124596 0.283935]

Combining Layers

A more complex model usually involves many basic layers like affine , where we use the output of one layer as the input to the next:

mymodel1(x) = softmax(affine2(σ(affine1(x))))
mymodel1(x1) # [0.187935, 0.232237, 0.169824, 0.230589, 0.179414]

This syntax is again a little unwieldy for larger networks, so Flux provides another template of sorts to create the function for us:

mymodel2 = Chain(affine1, σ, affine2, softmax)
mymodel2(x2) # [0.187935, 0.232237, 0.169824, 0.230589, 0.179414]

mymodel2 is exactly equivalent to mymodel1 because it simply calls the provided functions in sequence. We don't have to predefine the affine layers and can also write this as:

mymodel3 = Chain(
  Affine(5, 5), σ,
  Affine(5, 5), softmax)

Dressed like a model

We noted above that a model is a function with trainable parameters. Normal functions like exp are actually models too – they just happen to have 0 parameters. Flux doesn't care, and anywhere that you use one, you can use the other. For example, Chain will happily work with regular functions:

foo = Chain(exp, sum, log)
foo([1,2,3]) == 3.408 == log(sum(exp([1,2,3])))